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November 17, 2022 - Image 68

Resource type:
The Detroit Jewish News, 2022-11-17

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68 | NOVEMBER 17 • 2022

Council of Jewish Women,
Schottenfels Community
Service Fund, 26400 Lahser
Road, Suite 306, Southfield,
MI 48033, ncjwmi.org/dona-
tions/tributes; Karmanos
Cancer Institute, Young Adult
Cancer Fund, 4100 John R,
Detroit, MI 48201, karmanos.
org; or Metro Food Rescue,
6928 E. Knollwood Circle,
West Bloomfield, Michigan
48322, metrofoodrescue.com.
Arrangements by Ira Kaufman

SILBERG, 87, of
West Bloomfield,
died Nov. 8, 2022.
He was the
beloved hus-
band for 62 years of Andrea
Waxman Silberg; dear father
of Lauren (the late Roger)
Honet, Eric (Julie) Silberg,

the late Leslye Indenbaum,
the late Stacey Feig Jacobson;
loving grandfather of Emily
Honet, Allison Honet, Daniel
Honet, Annabelle Honet,
Jacob Silberg, Ryan Silberg,
Adam Silberg, Kayla Silberg,
Shoshana (Matt) Gordon,
Alyssa Indenbaum, Lily
Indenbaum, Jeremy Feig
and Zachary Feig; adoring
great-grandfather of Elliott
and Ezra Gordon. He is also
survived by many other loving
family members and friends.
Interment took place at
Machpelah Cemetery in
Ferndale. Contributions may
be made to the Leukemia
& Lymphoma Society or
to a charity of one’s choice.
Arrangements by Dorfman

STACEY, 95, of
Oak Park, died
Nov. 8, 2022. He
loved his family
above all.
He was married to Gloria
Stacey from 1953 until her
death in 2011. Mr. Stacey was
the beloved father of Francyne
and Mark Stacey; beloved
father-in-law of Mary Beth
Stacey; the “best grandfather
ever” to Evan Davis, Ekaterina
Stacey, Anastasia Stacey,
Gabriel Stacey and Harper
Stacey; great-grandfather to
Lucy Amprim Stacey. He was
especially close to his nephew,
Marvin Kramer, and his niece,
Enid Schatz. The family would
particularly like to thank the
staff at Coville Assisted Living
and Kindred Hospice for their
loving and excellent care.
Interment was at Beth

Abraham Cemetery.
Contributions may be made
to Jewish Senior Life of
Metropolitan Detroit, 6710 W
Maple Road, West Bloomfield,
MI 48322, jslmi.org; or to
a charity of one’s choice.
Arrangements by Ira Kaufman

of Southfield, died
Nov. 6, 2022.
She was the
beloved wife for
66 years of the late Norman
Tarockoff; the cherished
mother of Michael and Sheree
Tarockoff, Allen and Shelly
Tarockoff, Ronnie Tarockoff,
Dennis and Margie Tarockoff,
and the late Stacey Tarockoff;
dear mother-in-law of Tami
Tarockoff; proud grand-
mother of Ricci Tarockoff,

continued from page 67

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