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September 15, 2022 - Image 26

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The Detroit Jewish News, 2022-09-15

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26 | SEPTEMBER 15 • 2022



JARC Adaptive Biking
Event with MoGo

TOP: Several residents from two JARC homes enjoyed their day biking.
ABOVE LEFT: Nussbaum home manager Melissa steers a bike while Shirley gets a ride.
ABOVE RIGHT: Lori rides a bike alongside a MoGo employee.


ARC, a nonprofit orga-
nization serving adults
with developmental
disabilities, partnered with
Adaptive MoGo in Detroit
on Aug. 3, to give the people
they serve the opportunity to
participate in accessible bike
Ten people JARC serves
attended the event and were
excited about this new expe-
rience. Some of those indi-
viduals hadn’t ridden a bike
for years and, for others, this
unique experience provided
them the ability to ride a bike
for the very first time.
Adaptive MoGo accommo-
dates a wide range of rider
needs with 16 different cycle
offerings, including recum-
bent tricycles, upright cargo
tricycles, hand tricycles, tan-
dem bicycles, tandem tricy-
cles, side-by-side quadricycles
and a box-bike. The different
riding options allowed indi-
viduals who use wheelchairs
to bike ride and provided spe-
cial accommodations to assist
the riders and keep them safe
during their experience.
The event was a great
opportunity for the people
JARC serves to experience
something new and to get out
in the fresh air for some exer-

ABOVE: Abbey and Brooke enjoy
a ride on a modified bicycle built
for two.

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