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August 11, 2022 - Image 30

Resource type:
The Detroit Jewish News, 2022-08-11

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30 | AUGUST 11 • 2022


Three generations of
Jewish Jazzercisers:
Allison Weinmann,
Ronit Szczotka and her
daughter Orli.

continued from page 29

ciously and double check, “Did
you go to Jazzercise today?!”
That is exactly what
McNamara loves best about
her job. “We really change
people’s lives for the better, not
necessarily just their bodies,
but internally, their healthy

There’s also a tremendous
sense of community and cama-
raderie between the people who
attend Jazzercise classes.
“It’s judgement-free … such
a welcoming feeling,
” Szczotka
said. Before she got married
in 2019, one instructor hosted
a Beyonce-themed wedding
sendoff for her family and
friends. “It was the perfect way
to begin my wedding weekend
and a memory I will always

The enthusiastic Jazzercise
community is eager to pass on
their positive vibes. Every year,
the instructors pool their gently

used workout wear, which sells
for up to $5 a piece. The raised
funds are usually donated to a
cancer-based charity. One year,
the proceeds were given to a
Jazzerciser mom who had left
an abusive marriage and was
left with nothing to support her
“That money helped her
start over,
” McNamara said.
The grateful mom painted the
beautiful canvas that still rests
on her desk today, a reminder
of the power and support of the
Jazzercising community.
This year, the $1,700+ of
raised funds were donated to
Teen Clean Closet, a one-wom-
an operation that provides basic
hygiene products for Royal
Oak students who are unable to
afford them.

There are 52 classes offered during a

typical week at the Royal Oak location.

All genders and ages 18+ are welcome.

For more information, call (248) 398-0111.


Do you know a teen looking to build confidence,

public speaking and other life skills?

Frankel Jewish Academy, through the generosity of the

William Davidson Foundation, invites students in

grades 9-12 to participate in this 8-week program worth

two college credits and a lifetime of experience.


SEPTEMBER 14, 2022




“That’s the most important degree I have”

— Warren Buffett on the Dale Carnegie Course

6600 West Maple Rd., West Bloomfield, MI 48322

*You do not have to be an FJA student to attend.

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