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August 04, 2022 - Image 5

Resource type:
The Detroit Jewish News, 2022-08-04

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Roz Rebeck has had a long career of helping other people.
She worked with abused and neglected children in Toledo,
Ohio for many years. Then, she and husband Ray, a self-
employed accountant for over 50 years who also worked
full time as a pricing specialist for Great Lakes Gas
Transmission, moved to Michigan. Roz then operated a
fully staffed licensed daycare, where she cared for infants
and toddlers for almost 30 years.

Once Roz retired, she couldn’t “do nothing”, so she began
seeking out meaningful activities to fill her time. She
began volunteering at Yad Ezra 11½ years ago. She started
out by working in the warehouse, helping clients gather
their groceries.

It didn’t take long for Roz to feel at home at Yad Ezra and
to add other tasks to her volunteering routine. Some of the
work she does now includes packing produce, preparing
and packaging food for deliveries to homebound clients as
well as those living in Kadima homes. Roz also packages
food for our Jewish community partners in Ann Arbor and
Flint, as well as gathering the food for clients who pick up
their groceries at our warehouse. During the pandemic Roz
was a steady presence packing boxes for home delivery to
Yad Ezra’s clients.

Passing Along The Tradition

Roz and Ray are the proud parents of Aaron Rebeck, and the
proud grandparents of Brynn, 10 and Devon, 8.

Support in the Greater Community

In addition to Yad Ezra, Roz and Ray are active volunteers
and loyal and committed supporters of many other
organizations. Some of these include The Friendship Circle,
Jewish Federation, AIPAC, Friends of the IDF, the Holocaust
Memorial Center, Hebrew Free Loan, Jewish Hospice of
Michigan and various synagogues.

Roz And Ray Rebeck To Be Honored

Please join us in celebrating the 32nd anniversary of
Yad Ezra, as we honor Roz and Ray Rebeck at our
Annual Event, on Thursday, September 15, 2022 at
the Royal Oak Farmer’s Market, 316 E. 11 Mile Rd.,
Royal Oak, MI. There will be a strolling supper from
6:00-7:00 pm followed by a short program from
7:15-8:00 pm. We look forward to seeing you there!

Register/pay online at www.yadezra.org



Saree and Steve Hantler
Greg and Valerie Hinkson
Gary Kolasa
Pat and Barry Levine


Honorable Michele and Jeff Appel
Nancy and Howard Baron
Nancy and Richard Barr
Nancy Daniele Berman
Monica Brockmeyer PhD
and Ken Bernard
Stacie and Josh Bernard
Laurie and Matthew Bounds
Lisa and Eric Bronstein
Hope and Jason Brown
Marni and Daniel Cherrin
Susie and Robert Citrin
Jan and Gary Dembs
Talia and Ari Dolgin

Sam Dubin
Lorene and Sandy Eisenberg
Shelley and Michael Eizelman
Tapper Family
Tracie and Dr. Adam Fienman
Marcy and John Fikany
Kathy and Paul Finkel
Donna Peres-Gendelman
and Michael Gendelman
Channie and Yitzchak Goldstein
Amy and Bryan Gottlieb
Julie and Robert Greenfield
Jan and Mark Hauser
Carol and Paul Hooberman
Joel E. Jacob
Susie and Michael Jacob
Nechama and Rabbi Shimshi Jonas
Ellen Kahn
Ruth Kahn
Nina and Bernard Kent
Maddee and Ron Kepes
Lisa and Danny Klein
Sally and Dr. Richard Krugel
Ellen and Dr. Jim Labes

Ruth Anne and Allen Lippitt
Beverly and Arthur Liss
Lea and Richard Luger
Ened and Neil Madgy
Judy and Dr. John Marx
Janet and David Meir
Jodi and Jeffrey Michaelson
Leigh and Jeff Moss
Brad Mutnick
Milton Neuman
Susie and Norman Pappas
Jodie and Matt Ran
Aaron Rebeck
Brynn and Devon Rebeck
Jamie and Frank Reinstein
Kelley and Alan Reiter
Lucinda and Sandy Rosen
Julie and Eric Rosenbaum
Dr. Karen Meyers
and Morris Rottman
Dr. Rimma Aronov
and Sam Rozenberg
Amy and Jeff Schlussel

Barbara and
Rabbi A. Irving Schnipper
Cindy and Melvin Schwartz
Rhonda and Jeff Schwartz
Sharon and Allan Sefton
Ellen and David Sherman
Aimee and Richard Simtob
Shari and Ken Stein
Debbie and Jeff Supowit
Judy Thomas
Malka and Gary Torgow
Sheryl and Paul Vachon
Laura Hirschhorn and Ron Yolles
Helaine and Andy Zack
Esther and Neal Zalenko
Jeremy Zickerman
Beth and Howard Zoller
Cynthia and Marvin Zucker


Melvin Schwartz


Daniella HarPaz Mechnikov

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