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August 04, 2022 - Image 35

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The Detroit Jewish News, 2022-08-04

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AUGUST 4 • 2022 | 35


EXTGen Detroit is
having an eventful
summer with multiple
successful and sold-out events
this year. The programs have
ranged from rooftop yoga
to a ’70s-themed night with
bowling, a darty (a daytime
party) with bubbles and foam, a
Pickleball event and more.
NEXTGen Board and Social
Committee member Zack
Slabotsky has attended multiple
events. He chaired and orga-
nized the sold out Pickleball

event at the Beverly Hills Club
on Southfield Road earlier this
“The Pickleball with Chicken
on the Side event was a great
opportunity to be introduced to
new people and to the game of
” Slabotsky said.
“We know it’s a sport that’s
growing rapidly in popularity.
And there’s been a lot of inter-
est in learning the game and,
having an opportunity to do so
with a good group of people.
NEXTGen Detroit provides a

great forum for us to do that.

Daniel Snyder, NEXTGen
Detroit board member, says
being actively involved in the
Jewish community is one of his
passions. Snyder chaired the
’70s Night at Bowlero in Royal
Oak in June.
“It was a fun retro style
’70s-themed night where peo-
ple came dressed up all festive
and enjoyed ’70s-style foods
like carrot cake, meatballs and
pasta salad. And, of course,
bowling! So, it really felt like we

were reliving the time,
” Snyder
Slow Burn in the Sky on
the rooftop of Citizen Yoga in
Royal Oak was another one of
NEXTGen Detroit’s sold-out
events this summer. This event
was put on by the NEXTGen
Detroit Balance Committee
on June 15, where NEXTGen
Detroiters had the opportunity
to take an all-level yoga class
and enjoy healthy foods with a
Beyond Juice Acai Dream Bowl
“We have been wanting to
do a relaxing yoga class for a
while, so an evening outside
with friends on a beautiful
rooftop was absolutely perfect,

said NEXTGen Detroit Balance
chair Marni Lieberman.
NEXTGen Detroit has differ-
ent events that cater to anyone
and everyone, Slabotsky adds,
giving NEXTGen Detroiters a
place to easily meet new people.
“If you haven’t been to a
NEXTGen Detroit event yet.
We got a lot more great pro-
gramming coming up the rest
of this year, and we’
d love to see
you at an event soon.

To learn more about the events hosted

by NEXTGen Detroit, head to the

website, jewishdetroit.org/events..

A look back on some of the NEXTGen Detroit summer events.


Eventful Summer




NEXTGen Detroiters at Bowlero in Royal Oak, enjoying a ’70s-themed night.
continued on page 36

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