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July 28, 2022 - Image 41

Resource type:
The Detroit Jewish News, 2022-07-28

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JULY 28 • 2022 | 41



Screen Detroit is a
JFamily program that
aims to lessen the
impact of cancer on Detroit’s
Jewish community. It pro-
vides education and access
to at-home genetic testing to
determine a person’s risk of
developing or passing down
hereditary cancers. This July,
JScreen Detroit and JFamily
encourage Detroit’s Jewish
community to get tested and
take the first steps toward a
healthy future for themselves
and their families.
Statistically, half of all men
and a third of all women in
the U.S. will develop cancer
in their lifetimes. This trans-
lates to more than 3 million
people of Jewish descent
across the U.S. and more than
28,000 in Detroit alone. Jews
are at a significantly higher
risk of carrying mutations
in certain cancer suscepti-
bility genes. Mutations in
the BRCA genes are associ-
ated with increased risks for
breast, ovarian, prostate and
pancreatic cancer.
JScreen’s CancerGEN test
assesses the BRCA genes and
more than 60 other genes
associated with risks for
many types of cancer. This
robust cancer panel includes
genes that are actionable,
meaning steps can be taken
to help prevent cancer if a
person tests positive.
“JFamily offers educational
opportunities and communi-
ty around families’ happiest
times, such as the birth of a
first baby or sending a child

off to college. But along
with happy occasions come
challenging situations, which
is why at the core of our
mission is a desire to offer
support in times that families
need it most,” says Stephanie
Erez, director of education
for JFamily Detroit. “When
Lacey Foon approached with
her idea to create a fund
that would offset the costs of
preventative genetic screen-
ing, we immediately said
yes. Thanks to the generous
support of the Lacey Foon
Family Fund and the DMC
Foundation, JScreen Detroit
has subsidized more than 170
testing kits to date.”
Thanks to JFamily and the
generosity of the Lacey Foon
Family Fund and the DMC
Foundation, the JScreen pro-
gram fees are being highly
subsidized for the Detroit
Jewish community as follows:
• ReproGEN: $18 with
code DetroitRepro (normally
• CancerGEN: $36 with
code DetroitPreventCancer
(normally $199).
• ReproGEN and
CancerGEN combo: $54 with
code DetroitScreens (normally

The subsidized JScreen
Detroit fees apply to indi-
viduals who provide their
health insurance information,
regardless of their coverage or

Submitted by JScreen. More info at



JFamily Offers
Cancer Screening

JScreen Detroit provides affordable
genetic testing for cancer proclivity.

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