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July 14, 2022 - Image 27

Resource type:
The Detroit Jewish News, 2022-07-14

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JULY 14 • 2022 | 115

Interment was at Adat
Shalom Memorial Park.
Contributions may be made
to Temple Emanu-El, Louis
and Beatrice Weinstein
Scholarship Fund, 14450
W. 10 Mile, Oak Park, MI
48237, emanuel-mich.
org; or to a charity of one’s
choice. Arrangements by Ira
Kaufman Chapel.

WILLIAMS, born Sept. 25,
1936, in Detroit, passed away
peacefully on July 2, 2022, in
Fresno, Calif., surrounded by
He was a practicing
attorney for more than 60
years and a beloved great-
grandfather, grandfather,
father, brother, uncle,

cousin and a dear friend
to loved ones around the
world. Known for his wit,
storytelling, mischievous
streak, love of good food and
wine, and commitment to
charitable work, he will be
deeply missed.
Red is survived by his
immediate family: sister and
brother-in-law, Rosanne
and Richard Weinberg;
sons, Charles Williams
and Valentino Richardson;
daughter, M.J. Williams.
A widower, he looks
forward to joining his late
wife, Ann Williams. in

YORKE, 97, of
West Bloomfield,
died on July 3,
She was a devoted teacher at
Lessenger Elementary School
in Oak Park. She relied on
her students to finish reading
Charlotte’s Web aloud every year
because she could never do so
without crying. Many of her
former students kept in touch
with Florence over the years,
grateful for the difference she
made in their lives through her
kindness, caring and attention
to their education.
Florence led the choir at
Meer Apartments, poetry and
play-reading groups and wrote

book reviews for the building
newsletter. She was a voracious
reader and grammarian who
could not abide any misuse
of the English language. Her
love of English and literature
was fostered by Dr. Hilberry
at Wayne State University. Just
last year, she could still sing
the “Hymn to Wayne” and the
Central High School fight song.
She loved growing up and
living in Detroit for much
of her adult life. Florence’s
deepest love was reserved for
her family and returned a
thousandfold. She delighted in
the many accomplishments of
her children and grandchildren.
Her memory will indeed be a
blessing to all who knew and
loved her.
Mrs. Yorke was the beloved

continued on page 116

For the peace you need . . .
for the respect of the life you treasured.

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