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June 23, 2022 - Image 6

Resource type:
The Detroit Jewish News, 2022-06-23

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6 | JUNE 23 • 2022


1942 - 2022

Covering and Connecting
Jewish Detroit Every Week

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The Detroit Jewish News (USPS 275-520)

is published every Thursday at

32255 Northwestern Highway, #205,

Farmington Hills, Michigan. Periodical

postage paid at Southfield, Michigan, and

additional mailing offices.

Postmaster: send changes to:

Detroit Jewish News,

32255 Northwestern Highway, #205,

Farmington Hills, Michigan 48334

MISSION STATEMENT The Detroit Jewish News will be of service to the Jewish community. The Detroit Jewish
News will inform and educate the Jewish and general community to preserve, protect and sustain the Jewish
people of greater Detroit and beyond, and the State of Israel.

VISION STATEMENT The Detroit Jewish News will operate to appeal to the broadest segments of the greater
Detroit Jewish community, reflecting the diverse views and interests of the Jewish community while advancing the
morale and spirit of the community and advocating Jewish unity, identity and continuity.

32255 Northwestern Hwy. Suite 205,
Farmington Hills, MI 48334

The Detroit Jewish
News Foundation

| Board of Directors:
Chair: Gary Torgow
Vice President: David Kramer
Secretary: Robin Axelrod
Treasurer: Max Berlin
Board members: Larry Jackier,
Jeffrey Schlussel, Mark Zausmer

Senior Advisor to the Board:
Mark Davidoff
Alene and Graham Landau Archivist Chair:
Mike Smith
Founding President & Publisher Emeritus:
Arthur Horwitz
Founding Publisher
Philip Slomovitz, of blessed memory

| Editorial
DIrector of Editorial:
Jackie Headapohl

Associate Editor:
Rachel Sweet
Associate Editor:
David Sachs
Social Media and Digital Producer:
Nathan Vicar
Staff Reporter: Danny Schwartz
Editorial Assistant: Sy Manello

Contributing Writers:
Nate Bloom, Rochel Burstyn, Suzanne
Chessler, Annabel Cohen, Keri Guten
Cohen, Shari S. Cohen, Shelli Liebman
Dorfman, Louis Finkelman, Stacy
Gittleman, Esther Allweiss Ingber,
Barbara Lewis, Jennifer Lovy, Rabbi
Jason Miller, Alan Muskovitz, Robin

Schwartz, Mike Smith, Steve Stein,
Julie Smith Yolles, Ashley Zlatopolsky

| Advertising Sales
Director of Advertising: Keith Farber
Senior Account Executive:
Kathy Harvey-Mitton

| Business Office
Director of Operations: Amy Gill
Operations Manager: Andrea Gusho
Operations Assistant: Ashlee Szabo
Circulation: Danielle Smith
Billing Coordinator: Pamela Turner

| Production By
Farago & Associates
Manager: Scott Drzewiecki
Designers: Kelly Kosek, Kaitlyn Schoen,
Deborah Schultz, Michelle Sheridan

student’s corner
Reflections of
My Israel Trip

nly positive things
come to mind when
I reflect on my 11th
grade Israel trip with the
Frankel Jewish Academy.
Regardless of the flight trou-
ble and COVID-19 experi-
ence, I celebrate my whole
trip with no
After hours of
weather delays,
our plane finally
made it to Ben
Gurion Airport
in Tel Aviv. As
I entered Israel,
my Jewish homeland, for
the fifth time, I appreciated
the feeling of welcome that
engulfed me. I remember
thinking that all the obstacles
along the way were complete-

ly worth it to be in Israel,
where I strengthened bonds
within my religion, culture
and people.
Every time I travel, a trip
to Israel truly becomes a
unique experience. I have had
the opportunity to be there
for three bar mitzvah cele-
brations, including my own,
and an eighth-grade trip with
Hillel Day School. Each time,
I learn something new about
myself, my relationships with
those around me, and my
spiritual connection to both
Israel and God.
As I think back, I can
remember a few highlights
from the trip that impacted
my outlook on my identity
and spirituality going for-
ward. Our first beautiful

sight of the trip was that of
Makhtesh Ramon, known as
the Ramon Crater. Its beauty
tells an amazing story of his-
tory that realizes the evolu-
tion of the land.
We also visited the Ilan
Ramon (Israeli astronaut)
Visitors Center, which
reminded me that anyone of
any background can accom-
plish their goals as long as
they put their mind to it.
The next day we experi-
enced our first real hike, Ein
Avdat, another fascinating
example of historical erosion

in the land of Israel. After
we hiked upward, we saw the
beauty of the Negev, Israel’s
desert section. Looking over
the Negev, we took in the
history that lies at David Ben-
Gurion’s gravesite and saw
what was, in his mind, the
future of Israel.
On our last day in the
South, my favorite day of
the entire trip, we woke up
before dawn to hike Masada.
We reached the top and were
amazed to view the most
gorgeous sunrise we had ever
seen. From there, we headed

Ethan Grey

Ethan Grey volunteered at an archaeological dig site on his FJA trip to Israel.

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