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June 23, 2022 - Image 27

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The Detroit Jewish News, 2022-06-23

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JUNE 23 • 2022 | 27

calculus and all the things
that have already been
figured out for hundreds
of years. If you keep going
in math, at some point
you start doing your own
research and contributing,
but you wouldn’t be able to
get there if you had tried
to figure out everything on
your own.”
While Rose-Levine
believes it’s fun to try to
figure things out on your
own, he also believes that if
you learn from others first,
it propels you further. He
thinks of math problems as
other puzzles to solve.
“Recently, I have been
doing a lot of the 15 Puzzle,”
he revealed. “It’s this two-
dimensional grid, and you’re
sliding tiles around trying to
get them in order. It’s a grid
of the numbers 1 through 15,
but it’s similar to the Rubik’s
Cube because you’re moving
things around.”
As Arthur Rose currently
reads about his grandson
in The Puzzler, the author
maintains communication
with Rose-Levine, who has
attended a special event in
honor of the book.

“I was super-impressed
with Daniel,” author A.J.
Jacobs said. “It’s hard enough
for me to solve a Rubik’s
Cube, and he can do it with
his feet — in a matter of
“I also asked him to work
on a Rubik’s Cube variant
that is among the hardest
puzzles in the world. I wasn’t
sure he’d be able to do it,
but he did. It took him a
month, but he’s the first
person on Earth to solve the
Octahedron Starminx.
“Daniel brought an
element of optimism to
the book. He proved that
(almost) anything can be

Rose-Levine shows
his time to solve a

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