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June 16, 2022 - Image 30

Resource type:
The Detroit Jewish News, 2022-06-16

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30 | JUNE 16 • 2022

JARC, a nonprofit agency
serving individuals with
developmental disabilities
in 80 locations, including
24-hour care in group homes,
independent living settings
for adults, and respite services
for children, teens and young
adults, hosted its annual
“Flower-a-Thon” volunteer
event on Sunday, May 15.
The annual event started on
Sunday when most of the vol-
unteers participated, but then
expanded throughout the
week so other groups could
join in. JARC thanks all the
volunteers who came out. The

event drew more than 50 vol-
unteers from JARC, Stellantis,
Bloom Advisors and
RouteOne to help weed, plant
flowers and mulch around 11
of JARC’s group homes.
The weather cooperated
and everyone had a great
time getting their hands dirty
together. Even some individu-
als served by JARC came out
to help. This annual tradition
really brightens JARC homes
and puts smiles on everyone’s
Flowers were donated
to JARC from Great Lakes


JARC’s Annual


Volunteers from RouteOne are hard at work planting flowers outside
of a JARC home.

A group from Bloom Advisors pose for a picture after a day of

Volunteers from JARC’s Teen Action Council: Sophia Bernzweig, Allie
Applebaum and Cameron Spagna.
Volunteers from Stellantis are all smiles at JARC’s Flower-a-thon.

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