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June 16, 2022 - Image 14

Resource type:
The Detroit Jewish News, 2022-06-16

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14 | JUNE 16 • 2022


been thousands of hurdles I’ve had to
overcome for my business,” Bronfin said.

According to the cottage laws, I can’t work
when my daughter is home, which can be
Because she keeps Shabbat, she’s unable
to participate at many local craft and
maker shows as a vendor, most of which
take place on Saturday.

Bronfin moved to Detroit after meeting
her husband, Moshe, online. Her garden-
ing is a family affair with their daughter
pitching in with watering, especially
for her own darling little garden. Eliana

Rivka grows and sells her own corn,
cucumbers, herbs, marigold, sunflowers
and tomatoes.
“Eliana Rivka is the biggest inspiration
for my business. Without her, I probably
would not have started on this journey,”
Bronfin said.
The Bronfins also have an invit-
ing-looking Little Free Library in the
front yard.

About three years ago, we put out
small bins with books in them,” Bronfin
said. Again, it was during the pandemic
that their idea expanded. “In 2020, we
hand-built a wooden house for the adult
books and bought a smaller one for kids.

It was a hit with the neighbors, especially
when the libraries were closed.”
In keeping with her outdoorsy spirit
and passion for planting, Bronfin also
keeps a mini seed library along with the
“We have tons of seeds and everyone’s
more than welcome to come and take.
People always enjoy getting new books,
but they love checking out the seeds and
deciding what to try planting,” she said.
The seed library has been especially
popular with teachers and people who
have never gardened before but are will-
ing to try something new if it’s free.
Best of all, according to Bronfin, are the

continued from page 13

Melina Bronfin and daughter
Eliana Rivka enjoy some fun and
learning in the garden.

continued on page 16

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248-723-8860 michigan@ortamerica.org www.ortamerica.org/rub-a-dub

Thursday, August 25, 2022 at 5:30 p.m.

M1 Concourse
Pontiac, MI

Brian Hermelin

RUB-A-DUB 2022



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