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March 31, 2022 - Image 86

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The Detroit Jewish News, 2022-03-31

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continued on page 88

continued from page 84

86 | MARCH 31 • 2022

What they wanted was a fun party with bright neon
accents. What Ajlouny and her team created was everything
Clara, a student at Detroit Country Day, dreamed of: A
vibrant space brimming with color and energy. Neon pink
and blue against a clubby black backdrop, with details like
witty sayings on signs and pillows (“Make Pour Decisions”
at the bar and “I’ve Got a Crush on You” with an Orange
Crush display), neon tubing in abstract designs and a light-
ning bolt “collage” behind the dance floor.
“Jen is organized, detail-oriented and has incredible
creative vision,” Laker says. “Our first look at the transfor-
mation of the room — we were absolutely speechless. We
could not believe this type of transformation was possible.


Who Clara Laker, daughter of Michael and
Cristina Laker

Where Service at Temple Israel, party at
Knollwood Country Club

When Feb. 12, 2022

Invitations The Paper Press by Franci Hirsch

Photographer Justin Munter

Event Planning, Design and

Entertainment Star Trax A Team, Star Trax

Design, Floral and Decor Debbie LeClaire
Designs (“A genius,” Laker says)
Day of Management Red Coat Ladies

Rentals, lighting+staging, dance floor
Pruett Custom Events, Udesign Ghost
Chairs, Band-Ayd Events Group, Event

Linens Linen Hero and Fabulous Events

Draping Linens and Beyond


LEFT: Custom personalized
neon pink chargers for each
guest hold custom plates, place
cards and escort cards. Pink
goblets from Event Theory
soften the look. BELOW: Clara’s
name in neon, by Debbie
Pillows convey the evening’s
sentiments; a Vogue Booth
from Star Trax lets guests pose
inside a lit tunnel. Other extras
included basketball hoops and
glitter tattoos.

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