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March 31, 2022 - Image 66

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The Detroit Jewish News, 2022-03-31

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66 | MARCH 31 • 2022


fter creating a legacy of Jewish learning as the founding
Jewish education director at Temple Shir Shalom of
West Bloomfield — including inspiring eight students
over the decades to pursue rabbinical careers — Flo Bloch, who
now lives in Boynton Beach, Fla., became a bat mitzvah at age
81 on March 5.
Sharing the bimah and the Torah portion Pekudei with Flo
at a service and celebration held in Boca Raton, Fla., was her
granddaughter Lexie Bloch, 14, of Boca Raton.
Marci Bloch, one of Bloch’s six children and rabbi at Temple
Dor Dorim in Weston, Fla., said the meaningful weekend and
family gathering not only honored the Jewish value of l’dor v’dor
(from generation to generation), but the celebration date fell close
to the timing of the 100th anniversary of when Judy Kaplan,
America’s first bat mitzvah, was called to the Torah.
“We celebrated the bat mitzvah of both my mother and niece in
the same year that this country had its first bat mitzvah ceremo-
ny a century ago,” said Marci, 47. “My mom came of age when it
did not cross many people’s minds that girls could become a bat
mitzvah, and it’s meaningful to see how times have changed. My
mother has always been my inspiration to pursue Jewish learning
and become a rabbi. My mom has done everything possible to
lead (by example) to make sure Judaism is part of our family.”

81-year-old shares the bimah
with granddaughter for their
b’not mitzvah.

Better Late than Never


Rabbi Marci Bloch, Flo
Bloch, granddaughter
Lexie Bloch, 14. Lexie
shared her bat mitzvah
with her Bubbie, and
Auntie Marci officiated.

Flo and her
husband, Louis
“Lucky” Bloch

continued on page 68

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