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March 24, 2022 - Image 35

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The Detroit Jewish News, 2022-03-24

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MARCH 24 • 2022 | 35

Book Club Night
Face-to-Face with
the Authors
Tuesday, April 5 @ 7 pm

Tuesday, May 10 @ 7 pm
JCC, Handelman Hall

Adat Shalom Synagogue

Face-to-Face with the Authors (formerly Lunch with
the Authors) featuring Pam Jenoff and Janice Kaplan.

Join us for these exciting, free in-person events!
Books will be available for purchase and signing.

Book Club Night returns with Jai Chakrabarti
discussing his National Jewish Book
Award-winning novel.

Preregister at: jlive.app/organizations/77

Co-Sponsors: National Council of Jewish Women, Michigan,
West Bloomfield Township Public Library, Adat Shalom Synagogue
Supporters: Sisterhood of Congregation Beth Shalom, The Bookies
Book Club, Hadassah Greater Detroit

Masks are required.

Supported through the generosity of The Jewish Fund and the D. Dan and Betty Kahn Family Foundation.

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