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January 20, 2022 - Image 51

Resource type:
The Detroit Jewish News, 2022-01-20

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JANUARY 20 • 2022 | 51

artists had studios, too,
bouncing ideas off each
other. In her studio, she was
surrounded by materials
she had been collecting
for years, like antique doll
heads, fanciful fabrics
and buttons of all shapes,
sizes and colors. If she saw
beauty in a thing, it might
sit on a shelf — and in her
mind — for years until one
day, the idea hit to combine
two old things and make
one completely new thing.
Her work was frequently
featured in galleries in the
Detroit area, including
shows at the Detroit
Institute of Arts, Detroit
Focus Gallery at Wayne

State, Jewish Community
Center of Metropolitan
Detroit, Detroit Artist
Market and Whitdel Arts.
She particularly enjoyed
being in the company
of artists at residency
programs, including Millay
Arts in Austerlitz, N.Y.
Marilyn was the beloved
daughter of the late
Isadore and the late Rose
Levin; loving sister of
Mark Levin (Pam Levin);
cherished mother of Buffy
Schechter Levy (Stephen
Levy) and David Schechter
(Janet Gridley); loving
grandmother of Noah
Levy, Ethan Levy and
Henry Schechter; dear

sister-in-law of the late
Robert (Bluma) Schechter,
Howard (Barbara Lee)
Schechter, Ronnie (Sheila)
Schechter and Andrea
(Ricky) Visconte; proud
aunt of Drew Levin, Brett
Levin, Greg Schechter,
Marc Schechter, Rachel
Schechter, Michelle Parker,
Steven Schechter and Marla
Schechner; loving niece of
Leonard and Ann Baruch,
and Ed and Bess Levin.
Those who wish to
further honor the memory
of Marilyn Schechter
may do so by making a
contribution to Taproots
at Camp Walden, which
provides outdoor learning

experiences to children
from underserved
communities; or Jewish
Family Service/Geriatric
Care Management, where
professional geriatric care
managers work to identify
needs and then develop
customized care plans for
older adults in need.
Upon her death, Marilyn
left several works of art
behind. If you loved
Marilyn and would be
interested in giving one of
her pieces a good home,
at no charge, please let the
family know here: https://
Arrangements by Ira
Kaufman Chapel.

Serving each family.
Consoling each heart.
For 105 years.

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