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December 09, 2021 - Image 17

Resource type:
The Detroit Jewish News, 2021-12-09

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DECEMBER 9 • 2021 | 17

memory of those who died, in
empathy with those who are
suffering, in hopes of Hashem
helping us create a better
Hillel Day School in
Farmington Hills shared the
following message on social
media: “Our thoughts, prayers,
comfort, love and strength go
to our neighboring communi-
ty. May the memories of those
who perished be a blessing
and may those who were
injured have a speedy recovery
and return to full health.”

Jewish communal agencies are
offering support to those peo-
ple who need it.
Jewish Family Service
shared: “Our hearts are broken
over the tragedy at Oxford
High School and our sympa-
thies go out to the parents,
students and staff. When lives
are lost in such a senseless act,
it affects all of us, whether or
not we are part of the Oxford
community. So it is critical
that we stand together and
support one another during
this traumatic time.
“Jewish Family Service is
here to help in any way we
can and is offering a one-time
mental health consultation to
anyone who feels impacted
by this act of violence. Please
contact us at (248) 592-2313
to set up an appointment.”
The Jewish Community
Center also offered support
for people traumatized by
the event. They posted: “Our
hearts are with our neighbors
in the Oxford community at
this devastating time. When
precious lives are lost in such
senseless violence, it impacts
us all.
“Our JTeen team is available
to assist any of our impact-
ed community members at

Hillel Looking for
Hillel Day School of
Metropolitan Detroit
takes great pride in the
accomplishments of its
graduates. Hillel’s alumni
are the school’s living
legacy; they are role
models in their careers and
communities, dedicated
humanitarians, and
courageous leaders.
Hillel invites the
community to nominate
the next recipient of its
Distinguished Alumni
Award. Recipients are
invited to speak to the
school’s students and are
recognized at its Annual
Gala. To nominate a
candidate, complete the
nominating form found
online at www.hillelday.
alumni. Nominations must
be submitted by Jan. 1,

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JFS Provides
Now through Jan. 15, 2021,
community members
can work with a Certified
Healthcare Navigator at
Jewish Family Service to
explore their health insurance
The Certified Healthcare
Navigators at JFS will answer
all your Affordable Care
Act questions and help you
enroll, whether through the
Healthcare Marketplace or
through Medicaid, through
Zoom or over the phone. This
free service is open to all.
For more information or
to schedule an appointment,
contact Jewish Family
Service at (248) 592-3973 or

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