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December 09, 2021 - Image 12

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The Detroit Jewish News, 2021-12-09

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continued on page 13
12 | DECEMBER 9 • 2021

Fintex Men’s Clothing store.
Board member Rick Agree said
his parents, George and Shirley
Agree, led the group that pur-
chased the four-story building.
Located at 1457 Griswold
Street, between Clifford Street
and Grand River, IADS is mem-
orable for its brightly colored
window squares.
Walking distance from
numerous Jewish-owned
clothing shops and profes-
sional offices, the Downtown
Synagogue served residents
and transients alike until the

1967 civil disturbance hastened
the flight of the city’s Jewish
population to the suburbs. The
synagogue began to falter. IADS
then became an egalitarian
congregation and gained addi-
tional new members for weekly
Dr. Martin Herman, retired
from Wayne State University,
served as the Downtown
Synagogue’s de facto ritual
director after Rabbi Gamze
retired. Still a member in his
90s, Herman has provided
steady leadership. But, by 2000,

Board; Isaac Agree descendant
Joined 1951
“Isaac Agree was my great-grandfather.
I never met him but heard wonderful
things about him from my grandfather,

Nathan Agree.”

Board President
Joined 2012
“The Centennial will be a celebration of
the individuals who built our community
over the last 100 years.”

Former President (two terms),
Joined 2008
“With a renovated building, the Jewish
community will have a long-term place
in Downtown Detroit to be a beacon for Judaism
throughout the region. While we can conduct activ-
ities anywhere, having a polished, renovated space
goes a long way to welcoming a diverse group of
people and holding a wide variety of programming.”

Board VP; 100 Years Committee
Joined 2008
“100 incredible years, getting ready for 100
more! Because of its vision being accessi-
ble and inclusive, I felt IADS was a Jewish
space worth committing my time to — a place where
I felt comfortable and at home in the city, and a place
where I felt I could think about what it means to be
Jewish in Detroit.”

Board; Capital Campaign; great-great-
grandson of Isaac Agree
Joined 2013
“The vision for the remodeled synagogue,
that includes collaborative space for
Jewish organizations, better facilities for children and
families, a proper environment for the rabbi and staff,
and, of course, space for Jewish life cycle events, is

Former president and board member;
former Ritual Director
Joined 1989
“I am gratified to have been one of a small

100 Years of IADS

Longtime leader Martin Herman, circa 2015


continued from page 11

continued from page 12

Rabbi Silverman talks with young people.

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