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November 11, 2021 - Image 67

Resource type:
The Detroit Jewish News, 2021-11-11

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NOVEMBER 11 • 2021 | 67

school sweetheart, Jack, in
Mrs. Green is survived
by her daughters, son, their
spouses and her niece and
nephew, Carol and Dan
Dmitruk, Nancy and John
Shaub, Robert and Marla
Green, Randy and Marylyn
Ross; grandchildren, Sandra
and Tony Vendittelli,
Christine and Terry Gray,
Isabel Dmitruk and David
Dawson, Molinee Martillini
and Wren Budden, Sam
Martillini and Brandon
Parker, Kyle and Katie Green,
Dana and Matt Bellezza;
great-grandchildren, Carlo,
Nick, Liam, Emme, Theo and
Maddy; and her beloved cat,
Interment was held at

Eternal Light Memorial
Gardens in Florida.
Contributions may be made
to the Hospice of Henry Ford,
to the Almost Home Animal
Rescue or to a charity of one’s
choice. Arrangements by
Dorfman Chapel.

85, of West
Bloomfield, died
Nov. 2, 2021.
He is survived
by his daughters and sons-
in-law, Debbie and Ron
Lederman, and Marlene and
Jeff Cohen; grandchildren,
Rikki Cohen, Leah Cohen,
Ellie Lederman, Ryan
Lederman and Jamie
Lederman; sister, Elaine

Faudem; brother-in-law and
sister-in-law, Farrell and Ann
Moore; other loving relatives
and friends.
Mr. Greenberg was the
beloved husband of the late
Deanna Greenberg; the loving
brother of the late Leonard
Kerner; and the dear brother-
in-law of the late Rodney
Faudem and the late Cecille
Interment was at
Beth El Memorial Park.
Contributions may be
made to Juvenile Diabetes
Research Foundation,
24359 Northwestern Hwy.,
Suite 125, Southfield, MI
48075, jdrf.org; or Hermelin
Brain Tumor Center-
Henry Ford Health System,
2799 W. Grand Blvd.,

11th Floor Neurosurgery,
Detroit, MI 48202,
giving. Arrangements by Ira
Kaufman Chapel.

93, of Farmington
Hills, died Oct.
30, 2021.
He is survived by his wife
of 66 years, Elaine Greenberg;
daughters and sons-in-law,
Susan and Marvin Wagner,
Fern and Richard Kissel, and
Miriam and Donald Marton;
son and daughter-in-law,
Mark and Sheryl Greenberg;
grandchildren, Matthew and
Katie Wagner, Jordan Wagner,
Noah Wagner, Joshua and

continued on page 68

Jews believe that death is not a tragic end, but a transition.
Let us assist your loved one in that journey.

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