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September 16, 2021 - Image 38

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The Detroit Jewish News, 2021-09-16

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38 | SEPTEMBER 16 • 2021

continued from page 36
sports HIGHlights

The other playoff champions this
year in the weekly league were Temple
Israel No. 2 in the Greenberg Division
and Congregation Shir Tikvah in the
Rosen Division.
Temple Israel No. 2 and Shir Tikvah
each also won its division’s regular-sea-
son title.
Like the Koufax Division, the
Greenberg and Rosen divisions also
had five teams.
This was the second Greenberg
Division playoff championship in three
years for Temple Israel No. 2.
This season didn’t start well for
Temple Israel No. 2. Through 10 games,
the team was 6-4 and in fourth place.
Temple Israel No. 2 never lost again.
It reeled off 10 straight victories to
finish the regular season at 16-4 and in
first place in the division.
Then it won all three of its playoff

games, including a 15-14 eight-inning
victory over Temple Israel No. 5 in the
championship game on a walk-off sac-
rifice fly by Jeff Katzen that scored Jeff
“We were clicking. Everyone was
hitting. Everyone was playing well,”
Temple Israel No. 2 manager Victor
Uzansky said about his team’s 13-game
winning streak.
The team had three father/son duos
on its roster: Victor and Benjamin
Uzansky, Ryan and Andrew Schneider
and Jeff and Jared Katzen.
Also on the team were Ben Watson,
Marc Weiss, Dave Banooni, Brad
Goldman and Eric Wolfe.
Despite rainouts and makeups, each
team played the scheduled 20 games.
The list to the right shows the
league’s final regular-season stand-

1. Temple Israel No. 2 16-4.
2. Temple Israel No. 5 14-5-1.
3. Temple Israel No. 6 14-5-1.
4. Temple Shir Shalom No. 2 14-5-1.
5. Temple Israel No. 4 4-16-0.

1. Temple Beth El 15-5-0.
2. Temple Israel No. 3 12-8-0.
3. Congregation Shaarey Zedek 8-11-1.
4. Temple Israel No. 1 8-12-0.
5. Adat Shalom Synagogue No. 1 7-12-1.

1. Congregation Shir Tikvah 13-7-0.
2. Congregation Beth Ahm 10-10-0.
3. Adat Shalom Synagogue No. 2 6-13-1.
4. Temple Shir Shalom No. 3 4-16-0.
5. Bais Chabad Torah Center 2-18-0.

quick hits
continued from 37

3. Mike Klinger/Kerry Chaben 170.

4. Larry Shapiro/Bob Shapiro-Chuck

Houmaian 168.

5. Rich Luger/Richard Spalter 164.

6. Ryan Vieder/Adam Vieder 161.

7. Mitch Lefton/Stu Zorn 159.

8. David Swimmer/Jody Mendelson 158.

9. Marc Ruskin/Jeff Novick 156.

10. Josh Baker/Josh Harvith 151.

11. Lyle Schaefer/Ryan Stone 137.

12. Jeff Vieder/Mitch Cohen 131.



1. Dale Taub 93 points; 2. Aaron Herskovic

88 1/2; 3. Mitch Lefton 88; 4. Gary Klinger

87; 5. Mike Klinger 86; 6. Richard Spalter

85 1/2; 7. Larry Shapiro 84; 8. Kerry Chaben

83; 9. Jody Mendelson 82; 10 (tie). David

Swimmer and Ryan Vieder 80; 12. Marc

Ruskin 79 1/2; 13. Jeff Novick 78; 14. Bob

Shapiro-Chuck Houmaian 77 1/2; 15. Josh

Baker 76 1/2; 16 (tie). Adam Vieder and

Lyle Schaefer 75; 18. Stu Zorn 74; 19. Josh

Harvith 73; 20. Brad Friedman 72 1/2; 21.

Rich Luger 72; 22. Jeff Vieder 71 1/2; 23.

Ryan Stone 69 1/2; 24. Mitch Cohen 68.

After a year in which it was held virtually,

the Howard Weingarten Memorial Baseball

Outing is returning this month to The Corner

Ballpark, former home of Tiger Stadium.

The third annual fundraiser for Detroit

PAL’s Diamond Sports Program, named for a

passionate and loyal Detroit Tigers fan, will

be held from noon to 4 p.m. Sept. 26.

Lunch, a baseball game on the Willie

Horton Field of Dreams and the presentation

of Howard Weingarten Memorial Awards to

PAL Tiny Tigers (ages 4-8) baseball players

for leadership, teamwork and responsibility

are included in the outing’s festivities.

“People who come to the outing should

feel safe. It will be held outdoors in a large

venue. Masks will be available,” said Deby

Lebow, Weingarten’s longtime significant

other, who founded and organizes the outing

each year.

The awards were presented for the first

time last year (on Zoom) and there was a

video made by PAL of the Tiny Tigers pro-

gram. The COVID-19 pandemic wiped out the

outing’s meal and baseball game.

“We needed to do something meaningful

for the outing last year, so we came up with

the idea for the awards,” Lebow said.

“People told me they loved the video of

the awards being presented because the kids

were so excited.”

Weingarten, a West Bloomfield resident,

died in a car accident in 2018 at age 65.

Donation for the outing is $125 ($36 for

youths 16 and under).

To sign up, contact Lebow at (248) 505-

0199 or dlda@hotmail.com.

Play Ball! The Howard Weingarten Memorial
Baseball Outing Returns to The Corner Ballpark

Howard Weingarten gets ready to swing at a
pitch during a Tigers fantasy camp in Lakeland,
Fla. He died in an auto accident at age 65 in 2018.


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