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September 02, 2021 - Image 25

Resource type:
The Detroit Jewish News, 2021-09-02

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SEPTEMBER 2 • 2021 | 25


Join the Rohr Jewish Learning
Institute for a four-week course
on “Outsmarting Antisemitism”
at Bais Chabad of West Bloom-
field, 5595 W
. Maple Road,
beginning the week of Oct. 31.
Attend live or via Zoom on
Sundays at 11 a.m. or Tuesdays
at 7:30 p.m.
Jews cannot let antisemitism
define Judaism — but cannot
ignore it either. As direct mem-
ory of the Holocaust fades, Jews
around the world are wonder-
ing whether the patterns of past
centuries are returning, in both
the Old and New Worlds, where
Jews experience more hate
crimes than any other group.
Are Jews doomed to be stuck
in this cycle forever? How can
Jews escape this history of hate?
“Outsmarting Antisemitism”
takes this dark subject on
squarely, with a sense of
unabashed optimism, profound
faith and a distinctly Jewish
approach. Through illuminating
source texts and captivating case
studies, this course considers the
sources of this ancient scourge
along with the appropriate strat-
egies for overcoming it.
“It’s time to find the con-
fidence to fight hate with
hope and to stand tall against
antisemitism with positivity,
purpose and plenty of Jewish
” said Rabbi Shneur
Silberberg of Bais Chabad.
The $80 cost includes the text-
book. Scholarships are available.
Visit baischabad.com/jli, email
rabbishneur@baischabad.com or
call (248) 855-6170 for informa-

“To save one life is to save
the world entire.”
— The Talmud

This High Holiday season, as we seek spiritual and physical renewal for
ourselves and our loved ones, let us also remember those in Israel who
nurture and renew life every day. Whether it’s treating civilians wounded
in terror and rocket attacks or vaccinating them against Covid-19, no
organization in Israel saves more lives than Magen David Adom.

Magen David Adom is not government-funded. Its 27,000 volunteer EMTs
and paramedics and 4,000 full-time professionals rely on support from
people like you for the vehicles, supplies, and equipment they need to
perform their lifesaving work.

No gift will help Israel more this coming year. Support Magen David Adom
by donating today at afmda.org/rosh or call 888.674.4871. Shanah tovah.


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