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July 15, 2021 - Image 6

Resource type:
The Detroit Jewish News, 2021-07-15

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6 | JULY 15 • 2021

1942 - 2021

Covering and Connecting
Jewish Detroit Every Week

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go to the website

The Detroit Jewish News (USPS 275-520)

is published every Thursday at

32255 Northwestern Highway, #205,

Farmington Hills, Michigan. Periodical

postage paid at Southfield, Michigan, and

additional mailing offices.

Postmaster: send changes to:

Detroit Jewish News,

32255 Northwestern Highway, #205,

Farmington Hills, Michigan 48334

MISSION STATEMENT The Detroit Jewish News will be of service to the Jewish community. The Detroit Jewish
News will inform and educate the Jewish and general community to preserve, protect and sustain the Jewish
people of greater Detroit and beyond, and the State of Israel.

VISION STATEMENT The Detroit Jewish News will operate to appeal to the broadest segments of the greater
Detroit Jewish community, reflecting the diverse views and interests of the Jewish community while advancing the
morale and spirit of the community and advocating Jewish unity, identity and continuity.

32255 Northwestern Hwy. Suite 205,
Farmington Hills, MI 48334

The Detroit Jewish
News Foundation

| Board of Directors:
Chair: Gary Torgow
Vice President: David Kramer
Secretary: Robin Axelrod
Treasurer: Max Berlin
Board members: Larry Jackier,
Jeffrey Schlussel, Mark Zausmer

Senior Advisor to the Board:
Mark Davidoff
Alene and Graham Landau Archivist Chair:
Mike Smith
Founding President & Publisher Emeritus:
Arthur Horwitz
Founding Publisher
Philip Slomovitz, of blessed memory

| Editorial
DIrector of Editorial:
Jackie Headapohl
Associate Editor:
David Sachs
Social Media and Digital Producer:
Nathan Vicar
Staff Reporter: Danny Schwartz
Editorial Assistant: Sy Manello
Senior Columnist: Danny Raskin

Contributing Writers:
Nate Bloom, Rochel Burstyn, Suzanne
Chessler, Annabel Cohen, Shari S.
Cohen, Shelli Liebman Dorfman, Louis
Finkelman, Stacy Gittleman, Esther
Allweiss Ingber, Barbara Lewis, Jennifer
Lovy, Rabbi Jason Miller, Alan Muskovitz,
Robin Schwartz, Mike Smith, Steve Stein,
Ashley Zlatopolsky

| Advertising Sales
Director of Advertising: Keith Farber
Senior Account Executive:
Kathy Harvey-Mitton

| Business Office
Director of Operations: Amy Gill
Operations Manager: Andrea Gusho
Operations Assistant: Ashlee Szabo
Circulation: Danielle Smith
Billing Coordinator: Pamela Turner

| Production By
Farago & Associates
Manager: Scott Drzewiecki
Designers: Kelly Kosek, Kaitlyn Schoen,
Michelle Sheridan

continued on page 8

guest column
Never Again Is Now

or those of us who pay
attention to the news of
antisemitic statements
and acts around the globe, the
rise in these statements and
acts in recent
years has been
And as Evelyn
Markus, a
Dutch Jew and
the daughter of
Holocaust survi-
vors, discusses in
the documentary Never Again
Is Now, these antisemitic state-
ments and acts can come from
both the left and the right of
the political spectrum.
As the founder of the
free nonfiction Holocaust
theater project www.
ThinEdgeOfTheWedge.com, I
have been talking to a range of
people in the U.S. and Europe.

Jeremy Wootliff of Jewzy.tv
suggested I watch Evelyn’s
I did watch the powerful
documentary Never Again Is
Now — and then I reached out
to Evelyn, who immigrated to
the U.S. in 2006 because of the
rise of antisemitism in Europe.
I proposed that she and I
cohost a podcast interviewing
both Jews and non-Jews about
the antisemitism they or oth-
ers currently face, their antise-

mitic experiences in the past,
and the first time they learned
about the Holocaust.
That show has now
become a reality on
YouTube with the first epi-
sodes published at b.link/

The International
Remembrance Holocaust
Association (IRHA) has issued
a non-legally binding working

definition of antisemitism
that many organizations are

Antisemitism is a certain
perception of Jews, which may
be expressed as hatred toward
Jews. Rhetorical and physical
manifestations of antisemitism
are directed toward Jewish or
non-Jewish individuals and/or
their property, toward Jewish
community institutions and
religious facilities.”
The reason our podcast
is important is the same as
the reason this definition is
important: To make people
aware of what antisemitism is.
For example, when someone
says in front of you that Jews
only care about money, do you
freeze and say nothing? Or do
you get angry and yell some-
thing back?
Neither freezing nor yelling



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