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June 17, 2021 - Image 39

Resource type:
The Detroit Jewish News, 2021-06-17

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JUNE 17 • 2021 | 39

Mazel Tov! announcements are welcomed for members of the
Jewish community. Anniversaries, engagements and weddings
with a photo (preferably color) can appear at a cost of $18
each. Births are $10. There is no charge for bar/bat mitzvahs
or for special birthdays starting at the 90th.
For information, contact Editorial Assistant Sy Manello
at smanello@thejewishnews.com or (248) 351-5147 for
information or for a mailed or emailed copy of guidelines.

Belen 50th

onna and Jack Belen
of West Bloomfield will
celebrate their 50th
wedding anniversary on June
20, 2021. They are the proud
parents of Dan and Jackie,
Jeffrey and Andrea, and Cary
and Meg Belen. They have
been blessed with six amazing
and talented grandchildren,
Carly, Zachary, Maya, Casey,
Blake and Brody. The celebra-
tion began in Arizona and will continue in Michigan.

Reinstein 50th

atie and Alan Reinstein
of Farmington Hills cel-
ebrated their 50th wed-
ding anniversary on June 12,
2021. They will spend a week
celebrating the occasion by
visiting Disneyland and other
California sights with their
children, Frank (Jamie), Mara
and Shelley (fiancé Eliot Silver);
and their grandchildren, Ryan
and Leah. They are extremely
grateful that Natie’s mom, Adelle, is here with them to
share this important milestone.

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The Jewish Federation of Greater Toledo (JFGT) is seeking a Director
of Philanthropic Services (DPS) to be part of its Endowment team.
Reporting to the Director of the Toledo Jewish Community Foundation,
a division of JFGT, the DPS will provide operational support to the
Toledo Jewish Community Foundation in the key areas of board and
committee staffing, stewardship of fund distributions, marketing of
needs and opportunities, and planning and development of donor
events. The successful candidate will be an innovative leader and a team
player, with strong interpersonal skills and a
desire to cultivate relationships at all levels.
The DPS is a full-time, non-exempt employee
of JFGT. For complete job description and
application information, go to

Director of Philanthropic Services


July 28-31

Spelling under the Stars!

For ticket info and sales,
visit nicelytheatre.org or call or text the
Berman box office at (248) 406-6677.

Outdoors on the grounds of the
Berman Center for the Performing Arts
6600 W Maple Rd, West Bloomfield Township, MI 48322

For years, this fun, family-friendly, Tony Award-winning
musical has charmed audiences across the country with its
wit and humor. Featuring a fast-paced, wildly funny story
and fresh and vibrant score, this bee is unforgettable!

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