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March 11, 2021 - Image 6

Resource type:
The Detroit Jewish News, 2021-03-11

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6 | MARCH 11 • 2021


guest column

The Man Who Flew
120,000 Iraqi Jews
to Safety in Israel

ews with roots in Iraq
are today the third
largest community in
Israel — after the Soviet and
the Moroccan. Did you ever
wonder how they got there?
The mass
aliyah of some
120,000 Iraqi
Jews between
1950 and 1951
is attributable
largely to the
efforts of one
man — Shlomo
Hillel, who died on Feb. 8 at
age 97.
The Jews of Iraq, the old-
est diaspora in the world,

had been through troubled
times in the 1930s and ’40s.
Hundreds were murdered in
the Farhud massacre of 1941,
and the Arab war against the
fledgling State of Israel had
led to persecution, extortion
and the criminalization of
In defiance of a travel
ban, 12,000 Iraqi Jews were
smuggled over the porous
border into Iran. Working
with a Jewish-born priest,
Alexander Glasberg, to
get the Jews French visas
for Israel, Shlomo bribed
Iranian policemen to look
the other way. Posing as a

member of the crew, Shlomo
Hillel arranged the first test
flights, piloted by American
freelance pilots, to smuggle
100 Jews from Iraq to Israel,
Operation Michaelberg.
Before Israel had an offi-
cial army, Shlomo led the
construction and operation
of a secret bullet facto-
ry, under the noses of the
British. The factory, known
as the Ayalon Institute,

was built beneath the laun-
dry room of a kibbutz in
When the Iraqi govern-
ment briefly lifted the ban
on immigration in 1950
on condition that the Jews
relinquished their citizen-
ship, Baghdad-born Shlomo
returned to Iraq as a Mossad
agent to facilitate their airlift,
dubbed Operation Ezra and

Lyn Julius
Times of


Shlomo Hillel,
architect of

continued on page 9

1942 - 2021

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News Foundation

| Board of Directors:
Chair: Gary Torgow
Vice President: David Kramer
Secretary: Robin Axelrod
Treasurer: Max Berlin
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Alene and Graham Landau Archivist Chair:
Mike Smith
Founding President & Publisher Emeritus:
Arthur Horwitz
Founding Publisher
Philip Slomovitz, of blessed memory

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DIrector of Editorial:
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Copy Editor: David Sachs
Social Media and Digital Producer:
Nathan Vicar
Staff Reporter: Danny Schwartz
Editorial Assistant: Sy Manello
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MISSION STATEMENT The Detroit Jewish News will be of service to the Jewish community. The Detroit Jewish
News will inform and educate the Jewish and general community to preserve, protect and sustain the Jewish
people of greater Detroit and beyond, and the State of Israel.

VISION STATEMENT The Detroit Jewish News will operate to appeal to the broadest segments of the greater
Detroit Jewish community, refl
ecting the diverse views and interests of the Jewish community while advancing the
morale and spirit of the community and advocating Jewish unity, identity and continuity.

32255 Northwestern Hwy. Suite 205,
Farmington Hills, MI 48334


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