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February 18, 2021 - Image 50

Resource type:
The Detroit Jewish News, 2021-02-18

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50 | FEBRUARY 18 • 2021

continued from page 49


detroit; Alyn Hospital, alyn.
org; or Friendship
Circle, 6892 W. Maple
Road, West Bloomfield, MI
48322, wfriendshipcircle.
org/donate. Arrangements
by Ira Kaufman Chapel.

of Southfield,
died Feb. 4,
He is survived
by his wife of 64 years, Elaine
Tanzman Russman; sons
and daughters-in-law, Steven
Russman and Ruth Taubman,
Matthew and Lisa Russman,
and Andrew and Alicia
Russman; daughters and
sons-in-law, Laurie Russman
and Ricardo Borisonik, and
Pamela Russman-Chambers
and Dexter Chambers;
grandchildren, Daniel, David,
Maximo, Rafael, Abby,
Mia, Becca, Josh, Darius
and Talia; sisters-in-law,
Sandy Russman and Marcia
Tanzman; many loving niec-
es, nephews, cousins and
Mr. Russman was the
devoted son of the late Tillie
and the late Louis Russman;
the dear son-in-law of
the late Anna and the late
Joseph Tanzman; the loving
brother of the late Robert
Russman, and the late Alvin
(his closest friend) and the
late Sherry Russman; the
dear brother-in-law of the
late Arnold Tanzman and
the late Burton Tanzman.
Interment was at Adat
Shalom Memorial Park.
Contributions may be
made to University of
Michigan (In Memory
of Paul Russman), Attn:

Gifts and Records, 3003 S.
State St., Ann Arbor, MI
48108, donate.umich.edu/
nzPQJ: By mail, make check
to University of Michigan
and write on check In
Memory of Paul Russman
and LSA’s Endowment
Pemding Account 732598;
or Foundation for Jewish
Camp, 253 W. 35th
St., 4th Floor, New York,
NY 10001, jewishcamp.
org: write on check In
Memory of Paul Russman.
Arrangements by Ira
Kaufman Chapel.

SHAPIRO, 96, of
Palm Beach
Gardens, Fla.,
died Feb. 5,
He is survived by his
wife, Margaret Wells;
daughter, Julia Shapiro;
son, Eli Shapiro; grand-
children, Danielle Shapiro,
Carly and Adam Mitchell,
Melissa DiDonato and
Daniel Cassar, Danielle
Vernon, and Nicole Webber;
great-grandchildren, Isaac,
Micah, Bella, Noah, Jacob,
Amelia and Joshua; brother,
Robert Shapiro.
He was the beloved
husband of the late Leah
Shapiro; the loving brother
of the late Harold Shapiro.
Interment was
at Clover Hill Park
Cemetery. Contributions
may be made to Allied
Jewish Campaign, 6735
Telegraph, Bloomfield Hills,
MI 48301, jewishdetroit.
org/donate-online; or to
a charity of one’s choice.
Arrangements by Ira
Kaufman Chapel.

You can honor the memory of a loved one in a most meaningful way
by sponsoring a day of Torah learning at Yeshiva Beth Yehudah.

During the coming week, Kaddish will be said for these departed souls during the daily minyan at
Yeshiva Beth Yehudah. Your support of the Torah learning of our children and our Kollel’s Torah
Scholars brings immeasurable heavenly merit. Please call us at 248-557-6750 for more information.

Some days seem to last forever…
We’re offering one that actually will.

School for Boys
School for Boys • Beth Jacob School for Girls
Beth Jacob School for Girls • Bais Yehudah Preschool
Bais Yehudah Preschool

Weiss Family Partners Detroit
Weiss Family Partners Detroit • Kollel Bais Yehudah
Kollel Bais Yehudah • Maalot Detroit
Maalot Detroit

.O. Box 2044
.O. Box 2044 • Southfield, MI 48037
Southfield, MI 48037• 248-557-6750
248-557-6750 • www.YBY.org

9 Adar February 21

Michael G. Bardi
Max Citrin
Alan Coleman
William Goodman
A. Isaac Korman
Rose Krentzin
Max Langwald
Fannie M Levin
Abram Nuss
Milton Ribiat
Sara Rubenfaer
Helen Schwartz
Eva Topor
Isadore Warren

10 Adar February 22

Julius Cohen
Dr. Joseph Raymond Eder
Bertha Fischer
Minnie Fisher
Aryeh Fuchs
Lottie Gerson
Richard Green
Pearl Holtzman
Sara Isser
Aaron Lankin
Helen M. Levinson
Israel Malik
Sophy Meisner
Irwin Rosenbaum
Herman Schwartz
Max Shnay
Robert Sosnick
Rose Temchin
Benjamin Topor
Lillian Weiss

11 Adar February 23

Rose Aronoff
Esther Janet Bragman
Max E. Charness
Harry Faber
William Fischel
Anne Kaufman
Bertha Kole
Samuel Liberson
Zalman Lopata
Ida Mandelsohn
Louis Menenberg
Solomon Rosenberg
Libby Simons
Natalie Wagman
Ida Weider
Ernest Wolfsheimer
Michael Yahre

12 Adar February 24

Risha Benjamin
Susan Bernstein
Esther A Bolton
Bessie Cohen
Louis Daniels
Clara Eisenberg
Lena Farber

David Grossman
Henry Grossman
Golda Guttman
Isadore Kramer
Sam Mendelsohn
Louis Moss
Bess Osborne
Samuel Techner
Rela Yahre

13 Adar February 25

Morris Abel
Harry Altman
Ethel Arden
Rebecca Barron
Abraham Berkowitz
Morris E. Bloomberg
Benjamin Bruseloff
Sally Danzig
Rabbi Joseph Eisenman
Kalman Solomon Florence
Pearl Herskovitz
Simcha Kleinemus
Gerald A Lobel
Karl Loewenstein
Esther Nusbaum
Sarah Rotofsky
Ada Shapiro

14 Adar February 26

Myron J Armon
Gertrude Bunin
Tillie Cohen
Abraham Eisenman
Samuel Gittleman
Frieda Gottlieb
Bertha Greenspan
Celia King
Bessie Kushner
Ellis Markofsky
Isaac Mickelson
Morris Music
Samuel Plotkin
Edward Rothenberg
Sarah Seppen

15 Adar February 27

Annette Borovitz
Eva Bunin
Belle Diamond
Betty Dinkin
Bertha Feldman
Alfred C. Funke
Steven B. Goldstein
Morris J. Hart
Sarah Horowitz
Morris Karbal
Louis Kukes
Herman Miller
Mendel Poss
Meyer Ephraim Revzin
Alvin Bernard Spector
Simon Waterstone
Helen Weiss

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