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February 11, 2021 - Image 15

Resource type:
The Detroit Jewish News, 2021-02-11

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FEBRUARY 11 • 2021 | 15


Nicole Feinberg
graduated from
Michigan State
University in 2015
and is the current
program coordina-
tor at the Isaac Agree
Downtown Synagogue, the last
freestanding synagogue in the
city of Detroit. Before starting
her role at the Downtown
Synagogue, Nicole oversaw
immigrant and refugee support
programs with both Southwest
Solutions and Jewish Family
Services of Washtenaw County.
Since 2018, Nicole has devel-
oped programs for the
Downtown Synagogue’s com-
munity to learn about and cele-
brate Jewish holidays and social
justice-focused events. In addi-
tion, Nicole has established and
fostered many interfaith part-
nerships with Detroit-based
organizations. She has more
recently transitioned her role to
additionally support the growth
of the synagogue through devel-
oping sustainable fundraising
practices. Nicole is committed
to the idea of expanding Jewish

Detroit and loves looking for
ways to build connections and
sustainable growth in the com-
munity. Nicole currently lives
in Hamtramck and can be
found traveling, hiking and
cooking new recipes with her
partner, Kate.


Jason Dizik is in his
fourth season as
the lead game pro-
ducer for the
Detroit Pistons on
FOX Sports Detroit
and, at 35, remains the youngest
producer in the NBA. He also
produces Tigers games for the
network where he’s been work-
ing since 2008. The six-time
Emmy Award-winner also pro-
duces events for FS1, B1G
Network and FOX Sports
Midwest. Jason works hard to
help students who share his love
of sports and media. He serves
on the Board of Governors for
the Michigan Chapter of the
National Academy of Television
Arts and Sciences, where he sits
on the scholarship subcommit-
tee. He’s the second vice-chair of
the Central Michigan University
School of Broadcast and
Cinematic Arts Alumni
Advisory Board, where he
chairs the Hall of Fame sub-
committee. He and his wife,
Emily, met at CMU and endow
a scholarship for students focus-
ing on sports media. A graduate
of North Farmington High, he
sits on the Farmington Public
Schools TV-10 Career and
Technical Education Advisory
Committee. He also serves as
executive producer of the Night
of Discovery Gala for the
Michigan Chapter of the
American Cancer Society. Jason
and his family are longtime
members of Temple Beth El.


Michael Emmer,
31, of West
Bloomfield, is a
real estate attor-
ney at Jaffe Raitt
Heuer & Weiss
P.C., where he works with
owners, private and institu-
tional developers, builders,
real estate management com-
panies, brokers, operators and
investors on various real
estate transactions, including
acquisitions, dispositions and
leasing in the commercial,
retail, industrial and residen-
tial areas. Michael graduated
from Wayne State University
Law School and Michigan
State University with a bache-
lor’s in economics. Michael is
devoted to the Metro Detroit
Jewish community, with roots
in Temple Israel and Temple
Beth El. He has also become
more involved with the
regional AIPAC chapter and
looks forward to more in per-
son AIPAC events post-
COVID. Michael and his
wife, Elizabeth, live in West
Bloomfield where they enjoy
spending time outdoors,
cooking and skiing. In their
spare time, they also volun-
teer, most recently with
Brilliant Detroit, creating san-
itation kits for Detroit resi-


Emily Foxen-Craft
is an assistant pro-
fessor of pediatrics
at University of
Michigan. As a
psychologist at
C.S. Mott Children’s Hospital,
she conducts research, teaches
and provides clinical services
to children and adolescents
experiencing chronic pain. She

serves on the Pain Task Force
of the Michigan Psychological
Association and co-leads a
telementoring program for
pediatricians around the state
about headache management.
Throughout her time at Akiva
Hebrew Day School and
McGill University, she particu-
larly enjoyed volunteering and
contributing to the local and
global communities through
Friendship Circle, NCSY and
Save a Child’s Heart. These
experiences inspired her to
pursue her master’s and Ph.D.
in clinical psychology at
University of Maryland,
Baltimore County, after which
she was able to return to
Michigan to complete her
advanced training. Emily is
involved in the Ann Arbor
Jewish community and has
taken lots of walks and honed
her banana bread recipe
during the pandemic.


Chris Harrison
(he/him) is a writ-
er/editor at the
Union for Reform
Judaism (URJ)
and an alumnus of
the URJ’s 2018 JewV’Nation
Fellowship’s Jews of Color
Leadership Cohort. He earned
his B.A. in English-Creative
Writing and Film Studies at
Miami University and his cer-
tificate in Jewish Leadership
through Spertus Institute and
Northwestern University. A
Black and bisexual Jew-by-
Choice, Chris is passionate
about Jewish mysticism, all
things related to cinema, and
making diversity, equity and
inclusion (DEI) practices a
central part of Jewish commu-
nities. He has been published
in two anthologies: None Shall



FEBRUARY 11 • 2021 | 15

continued on page 16

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