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December 17, 2020 - Image 51

Resource type:
The Detroit Jewish News, 2020-12-17

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DECEMBER 17 • 2020 | 51


thel R. (Kimmel) Ellis,
100, of Ann Arbor, died
Dec. 6, 2020, of non-
COVID natural causes, two
weeks after her 100th birthday.
Born in Detroit, she grew up
in Royal Oak and attended the
University of Michigan in Ann
Arbor and Hillsdale College.
She lived in Hillsdale, Mich.,
from 1941 to 1990. Ethel and
her husband, Sheldon Ellis,
who practiced law in Hillsdale,
were widely known in the
Hillsdale area and participated
in numerous charitable, civic
and social affairs. They retired
to Ann Arbor in 1990. Sheldon
died in 2013 and Ethel lived in
Ann Arbor for the rest of her
Ethel was a wonderful cook,
accomplished bridge player and
dear friend to all who knew her.

She would stop at a
table in a restaurant
and strike up a
conversation with
the diners, especially
if they had young
children with whom
she could chat. She
would freely talk
with the people
around her in line
while shopping or entering a
concert. She and Sheldon loved
to eat out and quickly became
friends with local restaurant
servers, managers and owners.
While living in Hillsdale,
Ethel and Sheldon were fans
of Hillsdale College football,
attending home and away
games. Until her final days,
she devotedly watched and
commented on U-M football
and basketball games.

Ethel’s zest for life
was equally matched
by her love for her
family. She was a
devoted wife to
Sheldon, took great
pride and joy in her
twin sons and their
wives, and adored her
grandson, Jonathan
and his wife, Aly.
Mrs. Ellis was the cherished
mother of twin sons, Dr. James
Ellis (Dr. Jean Lawton) and Dr.
Charles (Julie) Ellis, all of Ann
Arbor; beloved grandmother
of Jonathan (Aly) Ellis of South
Orange, N.J.; dear sibling of
brother, Dr. Bernard (the late
Sally) Kimmel of West Palm
Beach, Fla., and sister, Arvene
“Kim” (the late Dr. M. Kenneth)
Dickstein of West Bloomfield.
She was preceded in death

by her husband of 72 years,
Sheldon Ellis; sister, Sylvia
(Sam) Goldstein; sister-in-
law, Shirley (Dr. Paul) Singer;
and parents, Hilda and Louis
Interment was at Oakview
Cemetery. Memorial
contributions may be made
to University of Michigan,
Hillsdale County U of
M Scholarship-302131,
c/o Office of University
Development, 3003 S. State
St., Suite 9000, Ann Arbor,
MI 48109, leadersandbest.
umich.edu; Food Gatherers,
.O. Box 131037, Ann Arbor,
MI 48113, foodgatherers.
org; or Arbor Hospice, 2366
Oak Valley Drive, Ann Arbor,
MI 48103, arborhospice.org.
Arrangements by Ira Kaufman

A Zest For Life

Your Community Chapel
HebrewMemorial.org | 248.543.1622 | 800.736.5033 | 26640 Greenfield Rd, Oak Park, MI 48237



Our only motive is you and the
ed care we provide your family

Ethel R. Ellis

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