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May 28, 2020 - Image 70

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The Detroit Jewish News, 2020-05-28

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MAY 28 • 2020 | 65

Jonah Gilan

Mazel Tov!
We are so proud of
you, and we can’
wait to see your
dreams realized!


Mom, Dad, Eden, Savta,

Bubbie & Zayde


Asher Schreiber

Mazel Tov! We are so proud of

you. You are a remarkable young

man who will surely impact the

world in wonderful ways. May

all your dreams come true at

St. Olaf College and beyond!

Love Always,

Abba, Mom & Dan

Eliana, Grace & Shaya


Carlie Suris

Congratulations Carlie!
You continue to amaze and
inspire everyone who
meets you. We are all so
proud of who you are.

With enormous pride and Love,
Mom, Dad, Eli, Ari, Meema,
Your Grandparents, all the
Aunts, Uncles, cousins, friends
and Cadee. Bravo!

Mazel Tov!

Kaitlyn Luckoff

We are so proud of you and all
you have accomplished! Our
admiration reaches far beyond
the classroom, you are very
special, beautiful on the inside
and out! We wish you good
health and happiness always
Go Blue!

We love you so much
Mom, Dad, Andrew, Maddi,
Matthew and Jason


Phillip Weinstein

Mazel Tov to our Grandson Phillip! We are proud of your big
leap from Groves to the University of Michigan – College of
Engineering. May all of your dreams and aspirations come true.

Love your grandparents,
Judith and Sydney Weinstein & Reinart and Dr. Eugene Gelzayd

Mazel Tov!

Phillip Weinstein

We are so proud of you and
t wait to see what your
future holds. Continue to
follow your dreams and
success will be yours. Good
luck at University of Michigan
– College of Engineering.

We love you,

Mom, Dad (Go Bucks!),
Matthew, Sonic, Finn


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