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April 16, 2020 - Image 40

Resource type:
The Detroit Jewish News, 2020-04-16

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40 | APRIL 16 • 2020

of blessed memory

popular textbook on hyperten-
sion (Clinical Hypertension) and
more than 500 scientific publi-
He worked for social justice in
many areas and generously sup-
ported Democratic causes, opera,
chamber music and theater. He
loved travel, good food and wine,
and his home in Santa Fe.
Dr. Kaplan was preceded
in death by his beloved wife,
Audrey; his brothers, Sol and
David; sister, Sylvia; grandson,
George Orley; and stepson,
Adam Hudson.
He is survived by his daugh-
ters, Marcia Kaplan (Michael
Privitera), Cynthia Reynolds
(Peach), Carolyn Kaplan (Jon
Sanford), and Diane Orley
(Randall); stepsons, Michael
Hudson (Diane) and Daniel
Hudson; eight grandchildren;
five stepgrandchildren; two
great-stepgrandchildren. The
family thanks the caring staff of
Hospice Plus.
A memorial will be arranged
at a later date. Contributions
may be made to Planned
Parenthood, 3100 Professional
Drive, P
.O. Box 3673, Ann Arbor,
MI 48104, plannedparenthood.
org; American Civil Liberties
Union, 2966 Woodward Ave.,
Detroit, MI 48201, aclumich.
org; to a Democratic candidate;
or to a charity of one’
s choice.
Local arrangements by Kaufman

of Oak Park, died
April 4, 2020.
She is survived
by her husband of
56 years, William
Konstantin; daughter and son-
in-law, Lynne Konstantin and
Jeffrey Hermann; daughter-in-
law, Julie Tracht Konstantin;
grandchildren, Charles and
Annabel Hermann, and
Samantha Konstantin; sister-in-
law, Sylvia Stotzky; many loving
nieces and nephews.
Mrs. Konstantin was the
cherished mother of the late

Benjamin Konstantin; the lov-
ing sister of the late Arlene and
the late Max Burns, and the
late Selma and the late Arnold
Rodin; the dear sister-in-law of
the late Maurice “Red” Stotzky;
the devoted daughter of the late
Benjamin and the late Sarah
Interment was at Clover Hill
Park Cemetery. Contributions
may be made to Pan Can-
Pancreatic Action Network
Inc., 1500 Rosecrans Ave., Suite
200, Manhattan Beach, CA
90266, pancan.org; or Crohn’
& Colitis Foundation of
Michigan, 25882 Orchard Lake
Road, Suite 102, Farmington
Hills, MI 48336, ccfa.org/
chapters/michigan. Arrange-
ments by Ira Kaufman Chapel.

MIRSKY, 60, of
West Bloomfield,
died April 8, 2020.
She is survived by
her loving mother,
Frances Mirsky; devoted partner,
Jeffrey Stevens; sisters and broth-
ers-in-law, Elissa and Charles
Soares, Shelley Rubinstein, and
Karen and James Abram; many
loving nieces, nephews, other
family members and friends.
Ms. Mirsky was the daughter
of the late Allen Mirsky; sister-in-
law of the late Paul Rubinstein.
Interment was held at Beth
El Memorial Park Cemetery in
Livonia. Contributions may be
made to Temple Shir Shalom
or to a charity of one’
s choice.
Arrangements by Dorfman

MOSS, 96, of West
Bloomfield, died
April 6, 2020.
He is survived by
his children, Ruth
(Gennady) Moss-Katsnelson,
Suzanna (Yigal) Ran, Sheryl
(Bruce) Velloso and Karen (Tom)
Frontera; grandchildren, Tamar
Ran (Ori), Yoni Ran (girlfriend,
Annie), Talia Ran (Aviv), Allyson
Carney (Ran), Eric Willner

(Catherine), Emily Mor (Adam),
Jessica McWilliam (Michael),
Laura Katsnelson (boyfriend,
Danny) and Julie Katsnelson;
great-grandchildren, Naama,
Maya, Amit, Charles and James.
Interment was held at B’
Israel Memorial Gardens in
Novi. Contributions may be
made to the Israel Coronavirus
Emergency Relief Fund.
Arrangements by Dorfman

91, of Huntington
Woods, died April 8,
She is survived by
her children, Helene
(Paul Zerkel) Phillips, Michael
(Lynn (Madelyn) Phillips and
Toni (Tim) Foley; grandchildren
and great-grandchildren, Marc
(fiance, Lacey Patterson) Zerkel,
David (Nami) Goldenberg, Elana
(Goldenberg) Jeff Gell, Erik,
Craig (Annie) and Margeaux
Phillips, Jennifer, Timmie and
Brendan Foley, Gali, Eytan and
Rafi Goldenberg, Sloane and
Ellie Phillips; loving sister, Rosie
Schwartz; many loving nieces
and nephews.
Mrs. Phillips was the beloved
wife of the late Yale Phillips.
Interment was held at
Machpelah Cemetery in
Ferndale. Contributions may
be made to the Jewish Hospice
and Chaplaincy Network
or to Hospice of Michigan.
Arrangements by Dorfman

79, of Commerce
Township, died
April 3, 2020.
He was the
cherished father
of Jacqueline (Larry) Taffel,
Michelle (the late Steven)
Schneider, Sheila (Barry) Jay,
Danielle (Jeffrey) Kalt, Jeffrey
(Amy Kahn) Radin; loving
grandfather of Adam Taffel,
Joshua Taffel, Melissa Schneider
(fiancé, Jeffrey Guibord), Erica
Schneider, Sarah McPherson,

Emily McPherson (fiancé, Justin
Watt), Gabrielle Fantich, Julia
Fantich, Jade Fantich, Jacob Kalt,
Benji Kalt, Ethan Kalt, Tyler
Radin, Justin Radin, Cameron
Radin; brother of Rosalind
Bressler (the late Louis Bressler),
Paula (Jeffrey) Lebowitz. He is
also survived by loving nieces,
nephews, many cousins and
wonderful lifelong friends.
Mr. Radin was the devoted
husband of Esther Radin, his
wife of 57 years; son of the late
Joseph M. and the late Helen
Radin; the beloved brother of the
late Daniel Radin; brother-in-law
of the late Ernest Greenblatt.
Interment was held at Beth
El Memorial Park Cemetery
in Livonia. Contributions
may be made to the Michigan
s Foundation or
to a charity of one’
s choice.
Arrangements by Dorfman

c. 1980

83, of Birmingham,
died April 1, 2020.
She will be
remembered for
her participation
in supporting the
AIDS Foundation in
Florida and for being a Channel
56 chairperson.
Mrs. Ross was the owner of
House Fitness Decorating and
was beloved for her witty sense
of humor, her entertaining skills
and her devotion to family and
She is survived by her sons
and daughters-in-law, Scott and
Janne Sandler, Lance and Amy
Ross; daughter and son-in-
law, Natalie Ross and Stephen
Dickstein; grandchildren, Emma
and Hanna Sandler, Phoebe and
Aidan Ross, Jordan and Anna
Dickstein; sister and broth-
ers-in-law, Ellen and Michael
Jaffe, Marc Arnkoff; nieces and
nephews, Jeffery (Michelle)
Jaffe, Dana Jaffe, Ryan (Hallie)
Jaffe, Josh (Sarah) Arnkoff, Brett
(Elizabeth) Arnkoff, Adam
Arnkoff (fiancée, Ally Carter),
Lindsay Rovin and Jennifer (Leo)

continued from page 39

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