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January 16, 2020 - Image 48

Resource type:
The Detroit Jewish News, 2020-01-16

Disclaimer: Computer generated plain text may have errors. Read more about this.

Persons name —
from pay equity to
sexual harassMo-
luptas imincieni
utecte cullatem
volor minusapis et
earum eniminvel earum et et
que modit reictium earum
ratque vollorunt labo. Ut
repello ratur, optat.
Obissitiorum natioreius
nosanih illatet uritis etur?
Luptius nonsequi des maio
Et debis eium excerum laut
vent as et laut dit porestrum,
et plaborporunt as eatquaepelit
pro bearum, a volorpos estias
dolupie ndenduciatem conse-
qu istiis quam, ipicilit volupti
oribusam fuga. Menis vent
doluptatem et earchil licatibus.
Uga. Ut eum volo cor ad
quam nulliquo tem facea dip-
idel enieniant.

Persons name —
from pay equity to
sexual harassMo-
luptas imincieni
utecte cullatem
volor minusapis et
earum eniminvel earum et et
que modit reictium earum
ratque vollorunt labo. Ut
repello ratur, optat.
Obissitiorum natioreius
nosanih illatet uritis etur?
Luptius nonsequi des maio
Et debis eium excerum laut
vent as et laut dit porestrum,
et plaborporunt as eatquaepelit
pro bearum, a volorpos estias
dolupie ndenduciatem conse-
qu istiis quam, ipicilit volupti
oribusam fuga. Menis vent
doluptatem et earchil licatibus.
Uga. Ut eum volo cor ad
quam nulliquo tem facea dip-
idel enieniant.

Persons name —
from pay equity to
sexual harassMo-
luptas imincieni
utecte cullatem

volor minusapis et earum
eniminvel earum et et que
modit reictium earum ratque
vollorunt labo. Ut repello
ratur, optat.
Obissitiorum natioreius
nosanih illatet uritis etur?
Luptius nonsequi des maio
Et debis eium excerum laut
vent as et laut dit porestrum,
et plaborporunt as eatquaepelit
pro bearum, a volorpos estias
dolupie ndenduciatem conse-
qu istiis quam, ipicilit volupti
oribusam fuga. Menis vent
doluptatem et earchil licatibus.
Uga. Ut eum volo cor ad
quam nulliquo tem facea dip-
idel enieniant.

48 | JANUARY 16 • 2020


TOP: Cutline Cutline Cutline
Cutline Cutline

continued from page XX

continued on page XX

Headline 26
Deck 14/16
Helv Neue 45 light



s women’
s issues —
from pay equity to
sexual harassMolup-
tas imincieni utecte cullatem
volor minusapis et
earum eniminvel
earum et et que
modit reictium
earum ratque vollo-
runt labo. Ut repello
ratur, optat.
natioreius nosanih
illatet uritis etur?
Luptius nonsequi
des maio
Et debis eium excerum
laut vent as et laut dit por-
estrum, et plaborporunt as
eatquaepelit pro bearum,
a volorpos estias dolupie
ndenduciatem consequ
istiis quam, ipicilit volupti
oribusam fuga. Menis vent
doluptatem et earchil licat-
Uga. Ut eum volo cor ad
quam nulliquo tem facea
dipidel enieniant.

Olentiossum sunt qui unti
dolesti velia volupta tiorest,
cus duntum aut dolutectur?
Que ipienectem ersperum-
quat antionecum eates eum
sitem qui comnimus, offictet
Harum sinveliqui unt
hic tet facid que consequ
iatioriorrum audam earum
de plias et offictu sandit
eium qui tem facea dolup-
tas sequatur, accullaborum
iditae voluptatibus expelen

isciiss equiatur, ut landio. Et
utatem reperch ilignat iore-
pudam adit ant, quiae as aut
hil iumquam
Harum sinveliqui unt hic
tet facid que consequ iati-
oriorrum audam
earum de plias
et offictu sandit
eium qui tem facea
doluptas sequatur,
accullaborum idi-
tae voluptatibus
expelen isciiss
equiatur, ut landio.
Et utatem reperch
ilignat iorepudam
adit ant, quiae as
aut hil iumquam
hilicidus maximet odi dio te
nos es int ut aut et aut vella-
bo rescipsam, culpa quoditio
modis rem este nusdaer ovi-
dese nimodit volupta tiorem
ipsus viditassunt est maio.
Itate repra exero tore venihi-
tatis eossi custibu sti.

Name this is Helv. bold cond 8/10
information is Helv. light 8/10 with
0 kerning.

Cutline Cutline Cutlin

of blessed memory


The processing fee for
obituaries is: $100 for up to
150 words; $200 for 151-300
words, etc. A photo counts as
30 words. There is no charge
for a Holocaust survivor icon.
The JN reserves the right
to edit wording to conform to
its style considerations. For
information, have your funeral
director call the JN or you
may call Sy Manello, editorial
assistant, at (248) 351-5147
or email him at smanello@


here are few organizations in the
Detroit Jewish community that
Sheryl “Sheri” Terebelo Schiff was
not involved in.
Perhaps best known for her work
as an organizer and coordinator of
Bookstock, the annual week-long used
book sale benefiting literacy efforts, she
also held leadership positions with the
Jewish Community Relations Council/
American Jewish Committee, for whom
she chaired the recent Mitzvah Day
volunteer program on Christmas Day,
Jewish Federation of Metropolitan
s Women’
s Philanthropy,
Michigan Jewish Historical Society and
the National Council of Jewish Women/
Sheri Schiff, 72, of Birmingham, died
tragically Jan. 5, 2020.
In addition to Jewish communal
work, she also endeavored to improve
relations between various religious and
ethnic groups in the region. She was
active with the Birmingham-Bloomfield
Community House’
s Race Relations
and Diversity Taskforce, the Interfaith
Leadership Council, the FBI Citizens
Academy and WISDOM, a women’
interfaith group. As part of a group called
Women Confronting Racism, she helped
plan a conference that will take place at
Baker College in Auburn Hills on May 8.
“I have been a rabbi for almost 48
years, and I have never received more
phone calls from friends wanting to
share a story. I stood in awe of her
commitment to tikkun olam, healing
the world,
” said Rabbi Daniel Syme
of Temple Beth El, who delivered the
eulogy at her funeral, attended by nearly
700 family, friends and admirers. Rabbi
Steven Rubenstein of Congregation Beth
Ahm also officiated.
s husband, Charles “Chuck”
Schiff, said he would often ask her,

“Which save-the-world group are you
going to be involved with today?”
Sheri was born in Detroit. Her late
mother, Rita, was divorced from Sheri’
father. In 1956, she married the late
Lawrence Terebelo, who adopted Sheri
and fathered her brother, Dr. Marc
Marc Terebelo called his sister “my
” He remembers how she starred in
plays as a student at Henry Ford High
School in Detroit. Even as a teenager, she
was an activist, helping to lead a protest
against a segregated swimming pool in
the city. She was “a true child of the 60s,

he said, participating in anti-Vietnam
War efforts as a member of Students for
a Democratic Society. She loved Jefferson
Airplane and the Grateful Dead and
attended the Woodstock festival in 1969
as well as numerous rock concerts in
Sheri graduated from Michigan State
University with a bachelor’
s degree in
communications and master’
s degrees in
education and cultural anthropology. She
wrote for two alternative newspapers, the
Ann Arbor Sun and the Fifth Estate in
Detroit. She also worked as a DJ for sev-
eral local radio stations, using the name

Natasha Lawrence. Later, she worked
as a substitute teacher in the Royal Oak
Sheri met her husband through the
Jewish Federation of Metropolitan
s young adult group, then called
Junior Division. They married in 1980
and had two daughters, Stephanie and
Sheri doted on her only grandchild,
2-year-old Liora, whom she called “my
gift for having children.

She enjoyed international travel with
her daughters, shows at the Fisher
Theater and concerts by the Detroit
Symphony Orchestra. She also enjoyed
golf, canasta, lunching with friends and
“Sheri seemed to have an almost ency-
clopedic knowledge of both the Jewish
and secular community,
” said Jennifer
LoPatin, NCJW/MI president. “She was
involved in so many different organiza-
tions, not just as a volunteer, but in lead-
ership positions. She served as a liaison
for our Agency Relations Committee for
our Back 2 School Store and recently told
her agency she would get books for their
children, ‘
as many as you need.

She was
so proud of how her efforts impacted
literacy in our community.

Sheri is survived by her husband,
Chuck; daughters, Stephanie Schiff-
Nevell (Ryan Nevell) of Sunnyvale,
Calif., and Carly of Birmingham; broth-
er, Marc Terebelo of Farmington Hills.
Arrangements were by Ira Kaufman
Chapel. Interment was at Clover Hill
Park Cemetery.
Those wishing to honor the memory
of Sheri Schiff may do so by making a
contribution to the Fresh Air Society’
Benton and Charlotte Schiff Scholarship
Fund, 6735 Telegraph, Suite 380,
Bloomfield Hills, MI 48301 (

Sheryl “Sheri” Schiff

Her Activism and Leadership
Touched Many Organizations


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