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December 19, 2019 - Image 38

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The Detroit Jewish News, 2019-12-19

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One family’
s tradition of giving
gifts that last generations.


ot that a macaroni
necklace or coupons
for a daddy-daughter
tea party aren’
t coveted, but
s a different
kind of special
connected to a
gift with a “story
for the ages.” It
may be some-
thing that war-
rants narrative
— or that needs
no words; a gift
that comes with history — or
one that creates its own.
The search for a 90th

birthday gift for my dad led
to something perfect, memo-
rable, long-standing, person-
al and one-of-a-kind.
Beyond his role as patri-
arch of our immediate family
of children, grandchildren
and great-grandchildren, my
dad Jerry Liebman is also
beloved by and closely tied
to a large, extended group of
Through an interactive gift
plan, we put out an all-points
bulletin to collect birthday
greetings from family mem-
bers far and wide, and print-
ed them on a template, each
inside one of various-shaped

talk bubbles.
The compilation of 90
funny and touching thoughts
and memories of how he
inspires, impacts and teaches
us is framed in my parents’

house to be read and reread
and reread.
On another wall in their
home is a wood framed
wrapped canvas history of
our family, created for their
60th wedding anniversary.

A sketch of a tree is cen-
tered with the names of my
parents, branching out to
include every member who
was born into or joined our
family from their 1954 mar-
riage until the anniversary
date. The only downfall is
the best of all possible dilem-
mas: how to add the names
of those who have come
along since.
Our granddaughter, Shira

gift guide 2019

Shelli Liebman

Miriam Liebman displays
her unique graduation gift.

Jerry Liebman, displaying the
gift he received three years ago
for his 90th birthday. Behind
him is the family tree created
for him and his wife, Ceil for
their 60th wedding anniversary.

This family history was a
60th anniversary present to
Ceil and Jerry Liebman.


38 | DECEMBER 19 • 2019

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