NOVEMBER 28 • 2019 | 23 Jews in the D Cookie walks are not just church events! The Sisterhood of Temple Beth El in Bloomfield Hills is proud to host its Second Annual Cookie Walk (bake sale) for the benefit of Corner Shower and Laundry on Sunday, Dec. 8, from 9 a.m.-1 p.m., or until the cookies sell out. The Sisterhood has taken on Corner Shower and Laundry as one of its social justice/social action projects. Corner Shower and Laundry is a non-denominational, nonprofit group that has renovated space within St. Peter’ s Church in Corktown with four private shower stalls, three sink stations, two lavatories, three washing machines and three dryers to provide a safe, secure space for those who are homeless or otherwise in need to shower or wash up and to launder their belongings. St. Peter’ s Church also houses Manna Community Meals, a soup kitchen that has been serving this community for more than 40 years. It is primarily their guests who Corner Shower and Laundry will serve. For more information, visit cornershowerandlaundry. com or on Facebook at Corner Shower and Laundry. And, what exactly is a cookie walk? It’ s a special bake sale. Approximately 50 volunteer bakers will be providing dozens of their favorite cookies for Chanukah and Christmas (and every day!) for purchase. Upon arrival at Temple Beth El, 7400 Telegraph Road, Bloomfield Hills, visitors will receive a carryout box and food handler gloves to pick and choose the cookies of their choice that will be weighed and sold by the pound. A gift boutique will be set up with related holiday giftware available for sale (the Sisterhood Gift Shop will also be open) and raffle tickets will be available to purchase with great raffle prizes to choose from. A complimentary raffle ticket will be given to each guest who brings new packages of men’ s socks, underwear, hats or gloves that will be collected for those that frequent Corner Shower and Laundry and Manna Community Meals. Questions? Contact Sue Goldsmith at (248) 626-3839 or mrssurplus@sbcglobal. net. This event is free to attend and open to the community. Cookies for a Cause at Temple Beth El JScreen Comes to Detroit On Nov. 14, JScreen, a national non- profit public health initiative, and The Well/Temple Israel had a great turn- out for “Wine, Cheese and Genetic Disease” at Fuse 45 in Royal Oak. Rabbi Jennifer Kaluzny of Temple Israel spoke about her and her hus- band’ s personal journey and discussed the options that carrier couples have to help them have children free of that particular genetic disease. Hillary Kener of JScreen spoke about JScreen and debunked the mis- conception that interfaith couples do not need testing. In reality, Kener said, interfaith couples should go through the same type of genetic screening as couples of two Jewish people should. For more information, go to jscreen. org. Marla Kerwin and Eytan Keidar COURTESY JSCREEN Support ed t hr ough t he gener osi t y of The Jewi sh Fund and t he D. Dan and Bet t y Kahn Fami ly Foundat i on. Q To access f ami ly cr i si s r esour ces: Cal l j hel p at 1 -833-44J-HELP Visit j hel p. org Chat onl ine wit h a st af f member or schedul e a cal l at j hel p. org Do al l of t he above . or g We Have Answer s.