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November 14, 2019 - Image 66

Resource type:
The Detroit Jewish News, 2019-11-14

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66 | NOVEMBER 14 • 2019

continued from page 65
of blessed memory

formerly of West Bloomfield,
of Boca Raton, Fla., died Oct.
13, 2019.
He is survived by his wife
of 60 years, Marcia; his son,
Stephen Marofsky; daugh-
ter-in-law, Tal; daughter,
Stacie Bennett; grandchil-
dren, Jared Bennett, Nirel
Gramage, Nessia, Sahar and
Lavj Marofsky; sisters, Lenore
Marofsky and Adrienne
Marofsky; nieces and nephews,
Freddie and Alan Harvith,
Bruce and Marcelle Nager;
cousins, Linda and Jeffrey
Internment was at The
Gardens in Boca Raton.

of Oakland, Calif.,
died Nov. 4, 2019.
He is survived
by his mother,
Faye Menczer-Ascher of West
Bloomfield; brothers and sis-
ter-in-law, Michael Menczer
of Granada Hills, Calif.,
David and Sandy Menczer of
Birmingham; sister and broth-
er-in-law, Miriam and Mike
Leary of West Bloomfield;
niece, Emily Leary; nephew,
Finnegan Leary; many other
loving relatives and friends.
Mr. Menczer was the lov-
ing son of the late Edward
Contributions may
be made to the National
Multiple Sclerosis Society,
29777 Telegraph Road.,
Suite 1651, Southfield, MI
48034; American Diabetes
Association, 300 Galleria
Officentre, Suite 111,
Southfield, MI 48034; or
to a charity of one’
s choice.
Interment was held at Adat
Shalom Memorial Park in
Livonia. Arrangements by
Hebrew Memorial Chapel.

MOSS, 78, of
Delray Beach, Fla.,
died Nov. 6, 2019.
Family was
always Douglas’

number one priority. He took
great pride in raising his chil-
dren to be kind, compassionate
and charitable, and marveled
when he saw these traits in his
Smile is a word synonymous
with Douglas. People gravi-
tated to him because his smile
would light up a room. He was
an outstanding listener and
always knew the right words to
make people feel good.
Douglas was president of
Northwest Cone Company
in Detroit, which was a divi-
sion of the Maryland Cup
Corporation. His company
baked sugar cones and cake
cones, which had the famous
EAT IT ALL trademark. His
state-of-the art facility supplied
ice cream cones to the entire
Midwest, with his factory
running 24 hours a day during
the summer months. The EAT
IT ALL cone still exists today
under the Keebler umbrella.
He treated all his employees
as family members and served
the corporation until it was
sold in 1983.
Douglas embraced his
community of friends, and he
cherished each of these rela-
He was the beloved husband
of Sue Moss for 52 years; the
cherished father of Faylyn
and Danny Kaufman, and
Mara and Andrew Moss; the
adored grandfather of Isabelle
and Hannah Kaufman, and
Samantha and Nathan Moss.
Mr. Moss was the son of the
late Dr. Harry Moss and the
late Faye (Moss) Fishman; the
brother of the late Rosalind
Kahn; brother-in-law of the

Nibbles Nuts



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19 Cheshvan Nov. 17, 2019
Luba Becker
Morris Binder
Harry Cohen
Helen Glazer
Flora S Hoffman
Bessie Horwitz
Eva Nachman
Mary Mendelsohn Sherman
David Sirota
Harry David Switzer

20 Cheshvan Nov. 18, 2019
Cy Aaron
Martin Amhowitz
Lillian Cahn
Isadore L. Delin
Ray Gellman
Arthur Jaffin
Jules Kamen
Samuel J. Maxman
Ida Miller
Morris Rosenthal
Martin Segal
Albert Vexler

21 Cheshvan Nov. 19, 2019
Meyer Brodsky
Israel Cohen
Max H Cohen
Mina Fass
Louis Harris

Sadie Bienenfeld Haut
Jacob M Horowitz
Gladys Hubert
Rose Leah Kramer
Belle Ida Pearson
Molly Seligson
Dorothy Sosnick
Sabina Water

22 Cheshvan Nov. 20, 2019
Jake Baggleman
Bessie Dinkin
Elke Eisenberg
Luba Elbaum
Louis Charles Freeman
Betty Goldin
Tillie Grossman
Hugo Iczkovitz
Lazer Lazar
Harold C. Michaels
Esther Nosanchuk
Sally Raab
Kevin Jay Spitz
Belle Waterstone

Mildred Baseman
Jennie Berkower
Rose Blotnick
Jerry Eaton
Benjamin Garfield
Nathan Goldstein

Irving Mudrick
Sara Valensky
Isadore Weingarden
Sarah Wexler

24 Cheshvan Nov. 22, 2019
Max Bednarsh
Fannie Davidson
Milton Herman
Jacob Lichtig
Isaac Malach
Lena Natow
Dora Plotkin
Mary Riskin
Sol Selman
Irving Slutsky
William Stein
Herman Zold

Nettie Adelsberg
Morris Antel
Ben-Zion Burkow
Rebecca Cohen
Jack Fogel
Benjamin Bernard Gaum
Helen Goodman
Jack Kunick
David Member
Coleman Rottenberg
Rebecca Sklar

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