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November 14, 2019 - Image 38

Resource type:
The Detroit Jewish News, 2019-11-14

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38 | NOVEMBER 14 • 2019

Goodman 60th

arriet and Harold
Goodman of West
Bloomfield will celebrate
their 60th wedding anniversary
on Nov. 15, 2019. They will
share this wonderful milestone
with their devoted children,
Irwin and Perri Goodman, and
Edie and Steve Arbit, along
with their grandchildren,
Shayna and Brad Millman,
Colin Goodman, and Alec, Evan
and Noah Arbit.

Orechkin 96th

am Orechkin is turning
96. “Uncle Sammy”
loves dancing at
simchahs, making chopped
liver and watching sports on
TV. His biggest joy, however,
is spending family time with
his children, grandchildren,
great-grandchildren and
nieces. His nieces espe-
cially wish him a wonderful
birthday filled with happi-
ness and good health to


JUNE 24, 2019
Kelly (Brickner)
and Zachary Lyon
of Portland, Ore.,
are excited to
announce the birth
of their son, Ford Emerson
Lyon. Big sister Lake Marlowe
Lyon is thrilled to have a new
baby brother. Proud grand-
parents are Cheryl and Barry
Brickner of Farmington Hills,
and Kathy and Charles Lyon of
Manawa, Wis. Ford is named in
loving memory of his maternal
great-great-great-aunt Fannie
Richmond and his paternal
great-grandmother Erna Geiger.

JAN. 17, 2019
It is with great
joy that Hannah
(Cohen) and Dereck
Veenstra of Redford
announce the
birth of Lily Grace Veenstra.
Delighted grandparents are
Keri and Don Cohen of West
Bloomfield, and Kim Crawford.
She is also the grandchild of
the late Guy Veenstra. Lily is
the great-grandchild of Miriam
Guten (the late Donald Guten) of
Dallas, Dorothy Veenstra (the late
John Veenstra), Chuck and Karen
Crawford, and the late Jackie and
the late Jerry Rogers. Lily is wel-
comed into the Jewish commu-
nity as Shira Tikvah, named after
her late great-grandma Jackie,
who loved to sing, and her cousin
Delaney Hope Moskowitz, the
late daughter of her great-aunt
and great-uncle Myra and Artie
Moskowitz of Dallas.

Jonathan Eli Kalt
will be called to
the Torah as a bar
mitzvah on
Saturday, Nov. 16,
2019, at
Congregation Kehillat Israel
in East Lansing. He is the son
of Brian and Sara Kalt and the
brother of Benjamin and Daniel.
His grandparents are Melvyn
and the late Paula Kalt, and
Aylene Kovensky-Gard and the
late William Kovensky.
Jonny is a student at
MacDonald Middle School in
East Lansing. For his mitzvah
project, he raised money for the
Daniel M. Glickman Memorial
Fund to help kids attend Jewish
summer camp.

Samson Elijah
Weinberg, son of
Jennifer and Kevin
Weinberg, will
chant from the
Torah on the occa-
sion of his bar mitzvah at
Temple Israel in West
Bloomfield on Saturday, Nov.
16, 2019. He will be joined in
celebration by his proud grand-
parents Sheila and Norman
Weinberg, Sharon and Richard
Greenlee, and Pam and Carl
Sam attends Clifford H.
Smart Middle School in
Commerce Township. While he
was at work, he met a home-
less man. As part of his mitzvah
project, Sam decided to gather
clothes and purchase toiletries
and other items to help this
person in need.

Megan Rachel
Zelmanov will
become a bat
mitzvah on
Saturday, Nov. 16,
2019, at Temple
Israel in West Bloomfield. She
will be joined in celebration by
her proud parents, Svetlana
Vrubel and Mikhail Zelmanov,
brother Aaron and loving grand-
parents Galina and Mark Vrubel.
Megan is the granddaughter of

the late Arkadiy Zelmanov and
the late Regina Shargorodskya.
She is a student at West Hills
Middle School in Bloomfield
Hills. Megan performed several
mitzvah projects and felt lead-
ing a team for the Walk to End
s and raising funds
for Alzheimer’
s care, support
and research were among the
most meaningful.

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