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October 17, 2019 - Image 52

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The Detroit Jewish News, 2019-10-17

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52 | OCTOBER 17 • 2019


vid runner Shosh Abromovich
often applies her marathon
mindset toward her career
goals. After many years in digital media,
she earned the title of market president
for iHeartMedia Toledo this past May.
Abromovich, 33, is a Hillel Day
School and Berkley High School alum-
na, who graduated from Michigan State
University (MSU) in 2008 with a degree
in communications.
Three days after she finished college,
she began her career in Metro Detroit as
an account executive for Clear Channel,
which later became iHeartMedia.
In this role, Abromovich learned
the position wasn’
t just about sales — it
was about affecting the marketing and
business growth of every type of business
iHeartMedia encompassed.
“One day you’
re meeting with a
forklift company and the next you’
meeting with a retail type of business,”
Abromovich said. “You get to be the one
to come up with the really great and cre-
ative ideas to get someone interested in
those products.”
From there, Abromovich became a
digital media manager at iHeartMedia at

age 25.
“I was completely fascinated with how
targeted you can get and the data you
can collect by using digital marketing,”

she said. “I wanted our account exec-
utives to understand and help educate
their clients about our amazing digital
Abromovich continued growing with
iHeartMedia as a general sales manager.
She took on more responsibility and ran
her own team of account executives. She
was also in charge of overseeing radio
stations Mix 92.3 and WJLB 97.9.
After a couple of years, she was pro-
moted to senior vice president of sales
for the Toledo market, and almost to the
day of her 11th anniversary with iHeart-
Media, Abromovich landed the role of
market president.
“We have seven amazing radio stations
and sell the entire country out of our
market,” Abromovich said. “We plan
great national and local events, including
the iHeart Radio Music Festival.”
Abromovich credits her success within
iHeartMedia to the culture of the com-
“Someone did take a risk on me by
putting a 25-year-old in management,
and that’
s not something every business
would do. I really appreciate and respect
my company for seeing that I have that
When Abromovich isn’
t working,
she loves to spend time with her hus-
band and high school sweetheart, Scott
Abromovich, and their 19-month-
old daughter, Hayden. They reside in
Huntington Woods with their beagle
Leroy and attend Congregation Beth
Abromovich is also a marathon-run-
ner, completing her 16th marathon this
“I love getting people into the sport
and encouraging them to participate in
marathons,” Abromovich said. “This idea
ties perfectly to my job in management
because you can give them all the tools
and tips, but they ultimately still have
to do it for themselves. And then seeing
them succeed and cross that finish line,
is the best feeling as a manager.”




Shosh Abromovich of
Huntington Woods has
risen through the ranks.


Shosh Abromovich

“I was completely
fascinated with how
targeted you can get
and the data you can
collect by using digital

The Abromovich family

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