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October 03, 2019 - Image 37

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The Detroit Jewish News, 2019-10-03

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OCTOBER 3 • 2019 | 37


r. and Mrs. Keith Schare
of Farmington Hills
announce the engage-
ment of their daughter Julie
to Kevin, son of Dr. and Mrs.
Louis Jacobs of Beverly Hills,
Ms. Schare earned a bachelor’
degree in elementary education and
a master’
s degree in educational
technology. She is employed as a
first-grade teacher in Bloomfield Hills
Mr. Jacobs earned a bachelor’
degree in marketing and a master’
s degree in marketing research.
He is employed as a senior associate of data instrumentation at
Publicis Sapient in Birmingham, Mich.
A November wedding is planned in Novi.

Remy Sollish,
daughter of proud
parents, Elizabeth
Sollish and Lisa
Bargende, shone
on the bimah as
she became a bat mitzvah at
Adat Shalom Synagogue in
Farmington Hills on Saturday,
Sept. 21, 2019. Joining Remy in
celebration were her sister
Harper and her adoring grand-
parents Gerrie and Buddy
Sollish, and Leona Bargende, as
well as her extended family and
loving friends.
Remy is a student at Hillel
Day School of Metropolitan
Detroit in Farmington Hills. Her
mitzvah project was a collabo-
ration to raise dollars for Send
A Kid to Tamarack.

Jamie Nicole Vincent and
Joshua Drew Vincent will
share the bimah at Temple
Israel in West Bloomfield on
Saturday, Oct. 5, 2019, as they
lead the congregation in prayer
on the occasion of their b’
mitzvah. They are the loving
children of Tracey and Bill
Vincent. Joining in their cele-
bration will be their brothers
Charlie and Alec and proud
grandparents Linda and Harvey
Wolfe. Jamie and Joshua are
also the siblings of the late
Jessica Vincent and the grand-
children of the late Virginia and
John Vincent.
They are both students at
Abbott Middle School in West
Bloomfield. Jamie and Joshua
performed many mitzvah proj-
ects but each felt it was most
rewarding to collect cans and
bottles to raise funds for spinal
muscular atrophy in memory of
their sister Jessica.

Anniversaries, engagements and
weddings with a photo (preferably
color) cost $18 each. Births are $10.
Bar/bat mitzvahs or special birthdays
starting at the 90th are free.
For more information, call Editorial
Assistant Sy Manello at (248) 351-
5147 or go to “Announcements” at

Licensed Specialists for

Children & Adults

Dr. Nelson Hersh
Dr. Marsha Beattie
Dr. Amy Isenberg

– Nelson Hersh, DDS, MS

Marsha Beattie, DDS, MS

Amy Isenberg, DDS, MS



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