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September 19, 2019 - Image 27

Resource type:
The Detroit Jewish News, 2019-09-19

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Jews in the D

Readers on Facebook are
giving rave reviews for
s Kitchen and are
already calling for more
episodes, which are in the
works. Digital Editor Allison
Jacobs said fans can expect
episode No. 2 in early
October. Here are some
online comments about
episode 1.

Pennie Goldin Michelin:
“Mix Master.” I remember
when they were called that.
I remember making cookies
with my mom. “Down the
hatch!” I remember when
my grandpa would say that.
Watching Valerie and Joshua
Goldberg brought back
some precious memories.
Also, she showed me that
making rugelach doesn’
look that difficult!

Nathan Silverman: Joshua
does a video for JN visiting
members of the Jewish
community, cooking things
up in the kitchen. What’
s not
to love? It will get views.
Hopefully it’
s the first of
many videos.

Jacob Evan Smith: This is

Josh Kanter: I hope that
this show has already been
picked up for a second

Ashira Leah Solomon: I
cannot stop being obsessed
with this.

Alison Schwartz: I couldn’
love this any more! Valerie
you need your own cooking
show (and can I do the PR
for it?).

s Kitchen Is a Hit

Jacobs approached fellow
Detroiter Joshua Goldberg
about playing the role of
host. Goldberg is heavily
involved in the Metro
Detroit Jewish community
and genuinely enjoys
learning from his elders
— plus, he isn’
t afraid to
get his hands dirty in the
Recruiting a handful of
women who were up for
the “bubbie” role was an
enjoyable task for Jacobs
as well. Franklin resident
Valerie Indenbaum stars in

the first episode, showing
Goldberg how to make her
famous rugelach with love.
Catch Indenbaum and
Goldberg in action on
s Kitchen Episode 1
as they whip up a heavenly
batch of rugelach.
Find it at thejewishnews.
com, JN Facebook
@DetroitJewishNews or
DJN Instagram

If you or a loved one are
interested in starring in Bubbie’
Kitchen, send an email to

continued from page 26


Go online to vote
September 12, 2019
through September 26, 2019

Vote for your favorite
restaurants, events,
doctors and more!
to be featured in the
December 19, 2019 issue of
The Detroit Jewish News.

Each ballot will enter

you to win a $100 gift

card to The Whitney

in Detroit.


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