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September 12, 2019 - Image 38

Resource type:
The Detroit Jewish News, 2019-09-12

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38 | SEPTEMBER 12 • 2019


The Well has launched its annual #Reflect4Rosh campaign of
introspection and gratitude leading up to Rosh Hashanah and
invites the community to join it each day to take a moment to:
Stop. Reflect. Share.
s how it works: Stop: Each day, take a moment to just
breathe. Reflect: Think back on the year that was. What were the
highlights and lowlights? What were the blessings and shortcom-
ings — both internal and external? What are the areas ripe for
personal growth? Share: Check out The Well’
s reflective prompts
on Facebook and Instagram each day and share a thought/photo/
song/article followed by the hashtag #Reflect4Rosh.
Using the hashtag links all the posts together and connects the
local community with the global Jewish community as it prepares
for the High Holiday season with intention and gratitude.

Shofar Factory Festival!

The annual Sherrill Berman Shofar Factory Festival will be from
noon-3 p.m. Sunday, Sept. 15, at the Jewish Community Center in
West Bloomfield.
Carve your own kosher-to-use Shofar, make a blanket for some-
one in need, test yourself by climbing a 30-foot “Mount Sinai,”
catch a ride on a camel, bungee jump into the new year, create
holiday candles, and watch and learn as a beekeeper uses live bees to
produce fresh honey, and enjoy a petting farm. A kosher barbecue
lunch can be purchased from Chef Cari’
s food truck. Music and
entertainment also will be offered.
There is no charge for admission and most of the activities/crafts.
Shofar making is $10, and bungee jumping is $5, bungee jump-
ing is limited to the first 100 children who register.
This event is sponsored by the Sherrill Berman Art Education
Fund, T
ugman Bais Chabad of West Bloomfield, Janice Charach
Art Gallery, JFamily, JCC Day Camps and the JCC. Register at
ShofarFactoryFestival.com, email Rabbishneur@baischabad.com or
call (248) 207-5513.


Jason Cohn and his
daughter, Abbie, of
West Bloomfield work
on a shofar at last
s event.

Borders & Ballads

Britton Recital Hall, Earl V. Moore
Building, 1100 Baits Dr., Ann Arbor

Thursday, September 26, 8 pm

Drawing by Eric Drooker

Musical Performance by Daniel Kahn, Yeva
Lapsker & Jake Shulman-Ment

Raised in Detroit, Experienced in Arizona
Your Professional
& Dedicated
Mobile: (480) 239-8686


Each Office Independently Owned & Operated


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