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September 12, 2019 - Image 18

Resource type:
The Detroit Jewish News, 2019-09-12

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18 | SEPTEMBER 12 • 2019


alk to Norm Pappas.”
For young people seeking
career advice, for new-
comers to the community seek-
ing connections, for families on
the path of wealth management
for future generations, for chari-
table organizations seeking com-
munity support, talking to Norm
Pappas is not just a suggestion:
s the thing to do.
“What I do is connect people,”
he said. “It’
s not just a matter of
good business here in Detroit.
I think everyone who is strong
enough should be rowing the
boat. We’
re here to help one
another and we’
re stronger when
we work together.”

Pappas has led Pappas
Financial in Farmington Hills
since founding the firm more
than 40 years ago. He has lever-
aged his influence and business
expertise to benefit the Jewish
Federation of Metropolitan
Detroit, its partner agencies, as
well as dozens of charitable and
educational organizations in both
Detroit and Israel.
He has been described as a
true friend and mentor, a trusted
adviser and compassionate listen-
er; a fund raiser, inspiring others
to follow his lead in philanthro-
py; a creative thinker, problem
solver and ready volunteer
through more than four decades

of service to the community.
A recognized leader early
in his career, Pappas received
the Frank A. Wetzman Young
Leadership Award in 1987.
He was Federation Campaign
Chair (1992-1993), president of
the United Jewish Foundation
(2006-2009) and a Federation
board member. He currently
serves on the boards of the
Detroit Jewish News Foundation
and Kids Kicking Cancer.
Additionally, he has served
as the founder and first chair of
the Detroit Friends of the Israel
Defense Forces (FIDF) and as
chair of Detroit Friends of Bar-
Ilan University and the Detroit
Chapter of the Weitzmann
On T
uesday, Sept. 17, at
s Annual Meeting,
Pappas will receive the Fred
M. Butzel Memorial Award,
s highest honor given
to an outstanding communal
“Norm always wants to help
fix a situation. He’
s been my
mentor in leading the way,” says
Susie Pappas, his wife of 48 years.

And Pappas says she has been
his partner in every way, par-
ticularly working in tandem on
s Annual Campaign
and Women’
s Philanthropy
Campaign efforts.
They are the parents of Leslie,
married to Nathaniel Ungar,
residents of Southfield; Daniel,
in Portland, Oregon; and Amy,
in Chicago. Leslie and Nat are
the parents of the Pappas’

What five words describe you?
Norm: Persistent, competitive,
determined, loyal …
Susie: And compassionate.
Norm a is a great connector.
No matter how busy, he always
makes time to meet new people
coming into the community.

How did you and Susie meet?
N: I was born in Midland and
spent my formative years in
Marquette. After college at the
University of Michigan and
my master’
s at Michigan State
University, I moved to Detroit.
Susie (from Chicago) was a
senior at U-M and a roommate
of my brother’
s girlfriend, Laurie.
They fixed us up. My brother
and I ended up marrying room-
S: Norm and I met on Sept.
12, and we were married Aug.
14. We dated only 11 months,
but we took the best and luckiest
leap of faith together. And we
never looked back.

Norm, what drew you to
estate planning?
N: After about a year working
in Detroit at Armour/Dial, a
friend told me about the work
he was doing, and it sounded
interesting. He was working with
corporate presidents and entre-
preneurs on their estate and busi-
ness succession plans. I thought
here was something that would

Connected and
Wired to Help

Butzel Award goes to Norm Pappas for
his dedication, vision and leadership.


Jews in the D


continued on page 20

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