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August 15, 2019 - Image 47

Resource type:
The Detroit Jewish News, 2019-08-15

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August 15 • 2019 47

Kranig and Brad Kranig; grandchildren,
Mitchell and Connor Kranig; brother
and sister-in-law, Victor Norris and
Ronda Barak; nephew and niece, Max
Norris and Jessica Norris.
Mrs. Shawn was the beloved wife of
the late Roland M. Philipp; the devoted
daughter of the late Harold and the late
Frances Norris.
Interment was at Clover Hill Park
Cemetery. Contributions may be made
to Petoskey-Harbor Springs Area
Community Foundation, 616 Petoskey,
Suite 203, Petoskey, MI 49770, phsacf.
org; or Little Traverse Bay Humane
Society, 1300 W
. Conway Road,
Harbor Springs, MI 49740, tbhs.com.
Arrangements by Ira Kaufman Chapel.

c. 2000

71, formerly of Southfield,
died April 25, 2019, in
Maui, Hawaii, at the
Hospice Hale Maui.
She was a retired Maui
high school teacher
known for her high ener-
gy, vibrance, love of shop-
ping and travel.
Mrs. Simon is survived by her daugh-
ter, Glory Simon; her siblings, Paula

Kravitz and Marshall Tauber.
Her ashes have been spread across
Maui. Condolences may be shared at

91, of Doylestown, Pa.,
died Aug. 10, 2019.
He is survived by his
daughter and son-in-law,
Julie Stockler and Rob
Herion; grandchildren,
Elana and Neil Kopp, and Rebecca
Green; great-grandchild, Ezra Kopp.
Mr. Stockler was the beloved husband
of the late Ruth Stockler; the cherished
father of the late Michael Stockler.
Interment was at Clover Hill Park
Cemetery. Contributions may be made
to Southern Poverty Law Center, 400
Washington Ave., Montgomery, AL
46104, donate.splcenter.org/
sslpage.aspx?pid=463; or Temple Shir
Shalom, 3999 Walnut Lake Road, West
Bloomfield, MI 48323, shirshalom.org.
Arrangements by Ira Kaufman Chapel.

of Huntington Woods,
died Aug. 11, 2019.
He was known for
his loving devotion
to family and friends,
personal integrity and
civic responsibility. He regularly took
his mother on sightseeing adventures
throughout Michigan; the true value
was the time they spent together.
Steven graduated from Hillsdale
College with a degree in economics
and business; he was a certified finan-
cial planner. He had a passion for life
and saw every new day as an oppor-
tunity for adventure and growth. As
owner of Artends, he enthusiastically
sought rare and unusual antiques.
He founded the Societism Institute,
which promoted a healthy balance
between the well-being of collective
society and the significance and rights
of the individual.
Mr. Zimberg is survived by his
mother, Shirley (the late Donald)
Zimberg; daughter, Alexis (David)
Lerner; son, Zachary Zimberg;
grandchildren, Magda Rose and Levi
Lerner; siblings, Marvin (Madeline)
Zimberg, Jerry (Susie) Zimberg,

Avraham Robert Zimberg, Leonard
(Shani) Zimberg, Sarah (Rabbi Eliezer)
Lachman and Dena (Nechemia)
Finkelstein; nephews and nieces,
Joshua (Kerrin) Zimberg, Aaron (Sari)
Zimberg, Jennifer (Patrick) Kelly,
Daniel Zimberg, Daniella Zimberg,
Yael and Gavriel Zimberg, Bracha,
Chaya Esther, Moshe Chaim, Tehilla,
Chana Leiba, Zahava, Shoshana and
Dovid Simcha Lachman, Joshua,
Chaim Yosef and Miri Finkelstein;
great-niece, Emma Parker Kelly;
uncle and aunt, Avraham and Ruthie
Allen Zimberg; aunt, Arlene (the late
Raymond) Zimberg; many other rela-
tives and close friends.
Interment was at Beth Tefilo
Emanuel Cemetery. Contributions may
be made to Steven Zimberg Memorial
Fund, c/o Leonard and Shani Zimberg,
15966 Fairfax St., Southfield MI 48075.
Arrangements by Hebrew Memorial

Your Community Chapel



Our only motive is you and the

In the obit of Alexander Schecter (Aug.
8, page 38) it should have said he was
the beloved brother-in-law of Marika
and John Holzer.

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