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July 11, 2019 - Image 42

Resource type:
The Detroit Jewish News, 2019-07-11

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42 July 11 • 2019


of blessed memory

c. 2011

85, of Bloomfield
Hills, died June 30,
She is survived by
her son and daughter-
in-law, Jeffrey and
Jane Knapp; daughter
and son-in-law, Karen and Keith
Sirlin; grandchildren, Scott Frazho,
Kaitlin (Nic Rowley) Knapp, Jessica
(Branden) Morganroth, Madelyn
Knapp; great-grandchild, Kathleen;
many loving nieces, nephews, other
family members and friends.
Mrs. Knapp was the beloved wife
of the late Stanley Knapp; sister of
the late Harriet (the late Martin)
Interment was held at Adat
Shalom Memorial Park Cemetery
in Livonia. Contributions may be
made to Hadassah or to a charity
of one’
s choice. Arrangements by
Dorfman Chapel.

NEWMAN, 61, of
Scarsdale, N.Y.,
formerly of
Farmington Hills,
died peacefully
surrounded by family
on June 26, 2019, after a valiant
10-month battle against pancreatic
He was born in Detroit on
June 29, 1957, to Ruth Chodoroff
Newman and Buddy Newman. He
was a graduate of the Cronkite
School of Journalism & Mass
Communication at Arizona State
University, where he later served on
its National Board of Advisors.
Craig received his M.A. from
the University of Missouri School
of Journalism. He was an honor
graduate of the University of
Detroit School of Law, where he
was editor-in-chief of the Law
Review and a Burton Scholar. He
served as a law clerk to the Hon.
Philip Pratt, chief United States
district judge for the Eastern
District of Michigan.
Craig was a litigation partner
with Patterson Belknap and became
a nationally recognized leader
in the field of cybersecurity law,
serving as the chair of the firm’
privacy & data security practice.
His career included more than
20 years as a law firm partner,

as well as general counsel at an
international private equity firm
and a major media consortium.
A former journalist, Craig was
a prolific writer and frequent
contributor to the New York Times,
where he wrote about cutting-edge
issues at the intersection of global
business, law and cybersecurity.
He also wrote for the Wall Street
Journal, the Washington Post and
the Financial Times, among other
Mr. Newman is survived by his
wife of 32 years, Susie, the love of
his life and a source of strength and
positivity; his children, Rachel and
Jon, whom he adored above all else;
sisters, Randee (Paul) Freedman
and Carol (Rick) Ellis; brother-
in-law, Mitchell Lipton; nieces
and nephews, Samantha (Evan)
Mitchell, Jill Freedman, Devin
and Jeremy Ellis, Andrew and Jake
Lipton. He was the loving son-in-
law of Natalie (Maxwell) Schwartz
and the late Irv Lipton.
Arrangements by Kaufman

72, of Jerusalem, Israel, died April
19, 2019.
He was born in Detroit to Louis
and Toby (Rabin) Slabosky. He
attended Cass Technical High
School and Columbia University.
After studying at the Brooklyn
Museum School of Art, Mr.
Slabosky made aliyah to Israel with
his wife, Nomi. There, he became
a prominent member of the Israeli
art community. His works were
exhibited at many shows in Israel
and in Europe. He also taught for
years at the Bezalel Art Academy
and sang in an American-style
folk- music band. His book titled
the Reconditioned Inspiration is
a standard textbook in Hebrew
translation for students at Bezalel.
Mr. Slabosky is survived by
his wife, Nomi Bruckmann of
Jerusalem; sons, Yoshi of Taipei,
Taiwan, and Daniel of Tel Aviv;
sister, Helen (John) Gean of
Hollywood, Calif.; brother, Arthur
Slabosky (Robin Willner) of East

continued from page 41

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11 Tammuz
July 14, 2019

Samuel Aronoff
Sol Nathan Bloch
Samuel Goren
Sarah Greenbaum
Sandor Grunwald
Sam Morris Nelson
Sophia Saulson
Margaret Selik
Miriam Werzberger
Nathan Zabludovsky

12 Tammuz
July 15, 2019

Florence Eglar
Anna Ginsberg
Reba Glass
Jonas Morgenroth
Joe Rott
Sylvia Schneider
Harry Schumann
Celia Terebelo

Victor S. Axelroad
Ruth Beck
Max Graj
Louis D. Grossman
Lilly Holcman
Irving Kleiff
Judith Kolender

Mildred Kurzban
Harry Linton
Max Neimark
Tcharne Schneider
Wolf Schneider
Morritz Schubiner
Gertrude Schwartz
Harry Seaman

14 Tammuz July 17, 2019
Harry Brown
Riva Browns
Molly Cohen
Anna R. Eisenberg
Richard Alan Moss
Harry Rose
Bertha Spinner
Aron Temchin

15 Tammuz July 18, 2019
Samuel Gluck
Dorothy Goldstein
Leon Kersh
Ida Lowenstein
Alfred Mitteldorf
Pinchas Schwartz
Ida B. Shayne
Elliott Dov Strom
Lena Waldman

16 Tammuz
July 19, 2019

Lillian Beal
Anna Celia Dear
Joseph Freed
Seymour Gallant
Louis Jack Goldberg
Estelle Kaplan
Alta Kazdan
Abe Letvin
Eva Levine
Fannie Markowitz
Hyman Milinsky
Rebecca Plotnick
Risha Gitel Rosen

17 Tammuz July 20, 2019
Sam Boesky
Aranka Breuer
George Walter Fischer
Samuel R. Greenbaum
Helena Anna Helszewska
Daniel I. Lambert
Pearl Nusbaum
Lotty Partovich
Joseph Bernard Raim
Dr. Morton Simon
Jean Stalrit
Isadore Morris Taylor
Nathan Unrot
Dave Weiner

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