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May 02, 2019 - Image 24

Resource type:
The Detroit Jewish News, 2019-05-02

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24 May 2 • 2019

Drs. Candice Chen
and Melvyn Rubenfire
have been appointed
to Authority Health’
Graduate Medical
Education (GME)
Teaching Health
s Board as
co-chairs, responsible
for co-leading the
quarterly board
meetings of the
Authority Health
Graduate Medical
Education Consortium
starting in May.
Chen is an associate
professor at George
Washington University in the
Department of Health Policy and
Management; she is also a board-
certified pediatrician. Rubenfire is a
professor of internal medicine and
director of preventive cardiology at
the University of Michigan.

Dr. Candice

Dr. Melvyn

Larry J. Glanz, CPA, APMA,
CRPC, a private wealth advisor
with Glanz Wealth Advisors, a
private wealth advi-
sory practice of
Ameriprise Financial
Services Inc. in
Farmington Hills,
has qualified for the
s Circle of
Success annual recognition pro-
gram. He established himself as
one of the company’
s top advisors
with 24 years of experience in the
financial services industry.

The Jewish Federation announced
that Dorothy Benyas
is the recipient of
the 2019 William
Avrunin Professional
Award. The award
recognizes and
honors outstanding
Jewish communal professionals
employed by the Jewish Federation
of Metropolitan Detroit. Benyas
began her career at the Jewish
Federation as a senior accountant
in 1994 and rose to the position of
chief financial officer.

Dr. Louis Soverinsky of
Bloomfield Hills was chosen as
the Volunteer of the
Year for Fleischman
Residence in West
Bloomfield. Lou,
often with two
grandsons, provides
a sing-along program
once a month for the residents at

The National Association of Food
Journalists has named Danny
Raskin the next
recipient of the
Carol DeMasters
Service to Food
Journalism Award,
an award reserved
for individuals who
have made a significant and last-
ing contribution to the field of
food journalism. Raskin has been
writing a weekly column in the JN
since 1942.

Martin B. Shichtman, a professor of English and literature and
director of the Center for Jewish Studies at Eastern Michigan
University, delivered the keynote address at the 2019 Official
State of Michigan Holocaust Commemoration, in the rotunda
of the State Capitol in Lansing.

Irene Butter, a Holocaust survivor, author of Shores Beyond
Shores: From Holocaust to Hope My True Story, founder of
the Raoul Wallenberg Medal and lecture at the University of
Michigan, and co-founder of Zeitouna, an Arab-Jewish wom-
s dialogue group in Ann Arbor, received the 2019 Robert
S. Northrup Humanitarian Award at the Rotary Club of Ann
s meeting April 24.


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