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February 07, 2019 - Image 7

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The Detroit Jewish News, 2019-02-07

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February 7 • 2019 7

Bluma and Robert (
s Centennial Gift
Supports Teens,
Seniors and the Jewish Community as a Whole

As my late husband,
often said,
‘After we take care
of our family’
s basic needs,
we need to take care of others
who need our help.
These are the words of Bluma
Schechter who,
together with Robert,
has been a longtime
supporter and champion of Jewish life and welfare in
Born and raised here,
the Schechters have been
involved with Federation as well as a variety of other Jewish
organizations including ORT,
Yad Ezra and Israel Bonds.

“Robert and I want to make sure our beloved Jewish
community always can take care of its own here and
” she says.
“This has been a great lesson for our
children and grandchildren as well.
” With that in mind,

Bluma has created a Centennial Fund to support
s Youth Mental Health Initiative and Jewish
Senior Life (JSL),
along with establishing a Perpetual
Annual Campaign Endowment (PACE) Fund.

“Because I love children and have worked with them in so
many different capacities,
I feel that the Youth Mental
Health Initiative is a very important program that needs our
dollars and immediate attention,
” notes Bluma,
a former
teacher and drug and alcohol counselor.
“We also chose to
support JSL to help ensure that seniors always have a place
to go along with the support of their larger community,

especially since this program was so important to Robert’
after he lost his beloved wife,
And we
decided to make a PACE gift because,
after we die,
we need
to make sure that our Jewish community—both here and
abroad—will always thrive and take care of those who need
” By supporting these critical areas,
the Schechters'

Centennial commitment truly embodies the mission of
taking care of the needs of our community’
s future.

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