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January 17, 2019 - Image 23

Resource type:
The Detroit Jewish News, 2019-01-17

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January 17 • 2019 23


olocaust survivors Marvin
and Edith Kozlowski of West
Bloomfield celebrated their 69th
wedding anniversary on Jan. 15, 2019, with
their children Jay (the late Linda) (Renee),
Ruthie, Joe (Jill); their grandchildren,
Rachel, Anna (Bryan), David, Julia, Max
and Ben. This past year, they welcomed
their first great-grandchild, Elliot. The
love they have for each other is as strong
today as it was the day they were married,
and they have passed this love onto their
children and grandchildren as well. Their
family and friends look forward to many
more healthy years and simchahs enjoyed together.

Kozlowski 69th


anford and Marlene (Mimi
Moglovkin) Walkon celebrated their
60th wedding anniversary Jan. 11,
2019. Their children, Richard and Ronda
(Walkon) Jackson; grandchildren, Ryan
and Nicole Jackson, and Craig and Stacy
(Surowitz) Walkon; and grandchildren,
Bradley and Andrew Walkon, will celebrate
this special occasion in Boyton Beach, Fla.,
where the happy couple now reside.

Walkon 60th

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Yad Ezra, Michigan’
s only kosher food pantry, recent-
ly elected Executive Committee officers: Alan Reiter,
president; Daniel Cherrin, Marcy Morton Fikany and
Melvin Schwartz, vice presidents; David Sherman, sec-
retary; Jeffrey Moss, treasurer; and Jeff Supowit, imme-
diate past president.
Serving on the Board of Directors for 2019: Michael
Banks, Nancy Baron, Beth Baver-Neff, Lisa Bronstein,
Jason Brown, Ari Dolgin, Julie Feldman, David
Gardin, Michael Gendelman, Jennie Gnesin, Jimmy
Hooberman, Ron Kepes, Ruth Anne Lippitt, Brad
Mutnick, Matt Ran, Frank Reinstein, Sandy Rosen, Julie Rosenbaum, Morris
Rottman, Michelle Rubin, Jeff Schwartz, Rebecca Starr, Judy Thomas, Malka
Torgow, Kelly Victor, Rachel Zimmerman and Marc Zwick.
Advisory Panel appointees include Susie Citrin, Sharon Hart, Joel E. Jacob,
Diane Klein, Sally Krugel, Arthur Liss, Rabbi A. Irving Schnipper, Howard
Tapper and Neal F. Zalenko.

New Officers For Yad Ezra

Alan Reiter

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