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December 20, 2018 - Image 40

Resource type:
The Detroit Jewish News, 2018-12-20

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of blessed memory

continued from page 38

Stone, Malca Stone, Naomi Stone and
Rafael Stone; many loving nieces and
nephews; loving caregivers, Donna,
Charlie, Benita, Carolyne, Tisa,
Beverly and Felicia.
Mrs. Stone was the beloved wife
of the late Philip Stone; the loving
sister of the late Sam Weinstein, the
late Morrey Weinstein, the late Louie
Weinstein and the late Sally Berns.
Interment was at Hebrew
Memorial Park. Contributions
may be made to the Alzheimer’s
Association-Greater Michigan
Chapter, 25200 Telegraph Road,
Suite 100, Southfield, MI 48033,
www.alz.org/gmc; or to a charity of
one’s choice. Arrangements by Ira
Kaufman Chapel.

c. 1970


HELEN ZACK, 87, of
West Bloomfield, died
Dec. 12, 2018.
She is survived by her
children, Billy Zack of
West Bloomfield, Susan
and Benni Arnstein

December 20 • 2018


of Antwerp, Belgium, Edmund and
Judy Zack of West Hempstead, N.J.;
brother and sister-in-law, Sol and
Frances Levine; brother-in-law and
sister-in-law, David and Elaine Zack,
Jerry Zack; 10 grandchildren; numer-
ous great-grandchildren.
Mrs. Zack was the beloved wife
for more than 50 years of the late
Seymour Zack; loving mother of the
late Joseph Zaxk; dear sister-in-law
of the late Nathan Pack, the late Pat
Zack, the late Ricky Zack.
Contributions may be made to
The Shul, 6890 W. Maple Road, West
Bloomfield, MI 48322; or Kadima,
15999 W, 12 Mile Road, Suite 2,
Southfield, MI 48076. Interment
was held at Hebrew Memorial Park.
Arrangements by Hebrew Memorial


The processing fee for obituaries is:
$100 for up to 150 words; $200 for
151-300 words, etc. A photo counts
as 30 words. There is no charge for a
Holocaust survivor icon.
The JN reserves the right to edit
wording to conform to its style
considerations. For information, have
your funeral director call the JN or you
may call Sy Manello, editorial assistant,
at (248) 351-5147 or email him at

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