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December 20, 2018 - Image 22

Resource type:
The Detroit Jewish News, 2018-12-20

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jews in the d


KJ Gross and
Kaleb Klakulak
met in second
grade and
became best

Christmas Wish

Donors step in to help 12-year-old
supply gravestone for his best friend.

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December 20 • 2018



aleb Klakulak, 12, has a wish for
Christmas — he wants to buy a
gravestone for his best friend’s
unmarked grave. Kenneth “KJ” Gross,
12, died May 1 from leukemia and
heart failure; his mother was unable to
afford a gravestone.
Kaleb, who met KJ in second
grade, has been working odd jobs
and redeeming pop bottles to gather
money for the gravestone. He already
has given KJ’s mother $900. Late last
week, he got an invaluable assist.
David Techner, a
funeral director at Ira
Kaufman Chapel in
Southfield, arranged a
meeting with Kaleb, his
mother, Kristy Hall of
Romeo, and KJ’s moth-
David Techner
er, LaSondra Lorraine
Singleton of Warren, and her daughter
at Monument Center Inc. in Ferndale.
There, Singleton picked out a black
gravestone with gray engraved writing.
Techner and David Huber, owner of
Monument Center, together will sup-
ply the gravestone for KJ’s gravesite at
Elmwood Cemetery in Detroit, said
Techner, who has been flooded by texts
and emails about the story.
He was moved by a story about
Kaleb and KJ’s strong friendship that
ran Dec. 6 in the Detroit News. The
story, written by George Hunter,
described the incredible relationship
between the two boys, which included
Kaleb coming to the hospital to visit
with KJ to watch TV and play video
games. Near the end of KJ’s life, the
story said, Kaleb had a doctor’s special




permission to visit in the ICU where
juveniles usually are not allowed.
When asked why he stepped up to
provide the gravestone, Techner said,
“I was following Kaleb’s example. He
touched my heart.”
There’s another reason, too. Techner
knows the pain of losing a child. His
daughter, Alicia, died at 8 months. She
would have been 41 years old today.
“We belong to a really lousy club,”
Techner said of Singleton. “I was for-
tunate enough to be able to bury my
child in a family plot and put up a
marker. I can’t imagine the pain of not
being able to put a marker up; but with
no funds, it becomes a challenge.”
Techner is grateful for Huber’s
partnership as well. Huber and his
staff prepared the gravestone quickly.
In fact, with assistance from Detroit
Mayor Duggan and his office, the
gravestone was placed on KJ’s grave
Wednesday, Dec. 12.
At the meeting at Monument
Center, Techner says there were many
different emotions going on, and lots
of hugs and tears. “Kaleb was shy,” he
said, “but you could tell he had pride
in making this happen.”
Techner said Singleton told him,
“Sadly, this will be the greatest
Christmas gift I ever receive.” ■

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