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December 20, 2018 - Image 20

Resource type:
The Detroit Jewish News, 2018-12-20

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jews in the d

continued from page 17

Miller said he’s spoken
with other rabbis who feel
they should be armed or,
at the least, carry cell
phones on Shabbat in case
of emergency. “I’m against
having guns but respect
Rabbi Jason
my colleagues’ rights to
have a gun if they feel
they need it to protect their congregants,”
Miller said.
Although Miller doesn’t carry a cell
phone on Shabbat, he said he will be
having a conversation with the cantor
he works with at B’nai Israel to decide if
there should be a cell phone within reach
on the bimah, if needed.
Miller stresses that B’nai Israel takes
security very seriously, using local police
officers in full uniform in front of the
building. “I’ve always felt safe there,” he
said. “But my eyes and ears will remain
open, and I’ll certainly be more guarded,
especially on the High Holidays.”
Chuck Traugott, administrator at
Congregation B’nai Israel, and Lynn
Nusbaum, administrator at Temple
Shomer Emunim, told the Toledo Blade
that representatives were in touch with
local law enforcement.
“We continue beefing up our security,”
Traugott said. “There’s nothing new
about that.”
West Bloomfield native
Rabbi Jeremy Pappas has
been the ADL regional
director of Ohio,
Kentucky, West Virginia
and the western half of
Pennsylvania since
Rabbi Jeremy
September. Since he took
on the role, he’s seen the
mass killing in Pittsburgh, a hate crime
killing in Kentucky and now, this foiled

close relationships with the FBI and
U.S. Attorney’s office and was notified
of Joseph’s arrest concurrently with the
press briefing. “They keep us in the loop
and we keep them in the loop,” Pappas
said. “We’re grateful for that relationship.”
Pappas added that the last few months
have shown him that the ADL Regional
office needs “to grow and expand so that
we have the bandwidth to respond to the
incidents that occur in the community.”

Metropolitan Detroit issued an email to
the community that read, “This incident,
coming on the heels of the terrible
massacre at the Tree of Life Synagogue
in Pittsburgh, is a stark reminder of the
virulence and danger of anti-Semitism in
our society. It also reaffirms the critical
need for vigilant and ongoing security
throughout Jewish Detroit.”
The Federation stated that it raises
more than $1 million a year to provide
for the safety of schools, agency
buildings and Jewish campuses in Metro
Detroit. The Federation Community-
Wide Security Department collaborates
closely with partner agencies as
well as with local and national law-
enforcement entities — including the
Secure Community Network, a national
homeland security organization working
on behalf of the American Jewish
It also said that a team of highly
trained and experienced officers are
stationed at local Jewish day schools,
camps and campuses. The Federation’s
security team also assists Jewish
institutions across the community
by providing training, consultation,
education and advocacy.
“As the arrest in Toledo illustrates,
the efforts of law enforcement and
security teams can be highly effective
at discovering and preventing terrorist
attacks,” the Federation email stated.
“And while there can never be a 100
percent guarantee, our investment in
security personnel and technologies
is clearly essential in maintaining our
safety.” ■

After the FBI’s announcement of
Joseph’s arrest, the Jewish Federation of

If you have security concerns, call the
Federation at (248) 642-4260 or the Michigan
Regional ADL office at (248) 353-7553.

Congregation B’Nai Israel in Sylvania, Ohio.

“What I’ve been thinking about
since the arrest is what the headline
would have been ...”


terror plot in Ohio. “It’s been quite the
trial by fire,” Pappas said.
“What I’ve been thinking about since
the arrest is what the headline would
have been had the Justice Department
not done the work they did. I feel a
tremendous amount of gratitude,” he
Since Pittsburgh, he’s seen a huge
spike in the incidents reported to the
office. “We only know what we hear,
so we’re tremendously grateful for the
community’s willingness to report
incidents to us,” he said.
The Regional ADL office maintains


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