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November 22, 2018 - Image 22

Resource type:
The Detroit Jewish News, 2018-11-22

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jews in the d

continued from page 20



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Featuring rare whiskeys and the investment insights of
Dimensional guru Weston Wellington from Austin, Texas

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very comfortable for learning, and is
designed to promote interaction and
Freedman also lauds a generous
anonymous philanthropist, other
donors and the Jewish Federation of
Metropolitan Detroit with supporting
the school.
“The fact the school is in Detroit,
with its culture of philanthropy that
supports Jewish education, made our
dreams possible,” he said.
He also is proud to have started an
Israel trip for graduating eighth-grade
He says he values the “relationships
made over the years and working
with the professionals, teachers and
leadership team, all willing to push
themselves and change their educa-
tion assumptions for the sake of the
children. They are willing to take
risks. They are great people, and I am
honored and blessed to have worked
with them.
“And,” he continued, “I can’t do
anything without the relentless sup-
port of the board of trustees — part-
ners all the way, including every presi-

dent. And I’m serious about that.”
Hillel President Ellen Folbe issued
this statement to the Hillel commu-
nity, “For the past 16 years, we at
Hillel Day School have been blessed
to be led by Steve Freedman as our
head of school. He has shared and
implemented a transformative vision
that has brought Hillel to a place of
amazing strength and clear direction.”
Folbe stated the school is enlisting
professional advisers in a search for
a new head of school, and Freedman
said he would help ensure a seamless
And he can’t leave out wife Joan’s
role at Hillel.
“Her creativity and singular abil-
ity to make connections and bring
learning alive and create connections
and meaningful experiences for the
students is huge — and very helpful to
teachers,” he said.
Though the school community was
surprised by the Freedmans’ decision,
Freedman said it was hard to argue
with their rationale. “The outpouring
of love and support has really been
overwhelming,” he said. ■

Hillel of Metro Detroit’s
Hidden Jewel Tour

Hillel of Metro Detroit’s Hidden Jewel Tour
on Oct. 10 showcased the new and exciting
growth in Midtown Detroit, at Wayne State
University and at Hillel of Metro Detroit.
Eugene Driker led the bus and walking tour,
which was followed by a program highlighting
new Jewish student life on campus at Hillel of
Metro Detroit. ■

Eugene Driker
of Detroit
leads the tour.

Ann Arbor Federation To Host Main Event


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November 22 • 2018


On Thursday, Dec. 6, the Jewish
Federation of Greater Ann
Arbor will host its 18th Annual
Main Event from 6-9 p.m. at the
Towsley Auditorium at Washtenaw
Community College in Ann Arbor.
The Main Event, Federation’s signa-
ture event, attracts more than 400
people for a night of fun, food and
Headlining this year’s event is
Sidney Friedman, the mentalist.
The event, co-chaired by Roberta
and Larry Tankanow and their chil-
dren, Alyse Tankanow and Joseph
Cohen and Jennifer and Andrew
Tankanow, will focus on L’Dor V’Dor,
multi-generational giving, and will

be Chanukah themed.
New this year will be a pre-glow
from 5:30-6:15 p.m. for 40-some-
things and under who will sip signa-
ture Chanukah cocktails, take pic-
tures in a photo booth and get some
shmooze time with Sidney Friedman
Tickets can be purchased at www.
jewishannarbor.org/ME2018 or by
calling (734) 677-0100, ext. 245.
Tickets are $60 for general admis-
sion; $25 for students and attendees
under age 30. Admission to the pre-
glow is $18 for those 30 to 40-some-
thing, and free for those under age
30. Raffle tickets will go for $10 each
or six for $50. ■

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