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November 08, 2018 - Image 26

Resource type:
The Detroit Jewish News, 2018-11-08

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jews in the d

Online Chanukah Shopping to Benefi t Hillel

Winter is coming! So, let the
Chanukah shopping begin! On Nov.
9, the MSU Hillel-HCAM Online
Auction goes live. With a catalogue
of more than 200 items and unique
experiences, gift giving is just a click
Support of the auction impacts
more than 5,000 Jewish students at
MSU and on the 10 HCAM cam-
puses (Central Michigan, Eastern
Michigan, Grand Valley, Northern
Michigan, Saginaw Valley State
and Western Michigan Universities
and Albion, Alma College and
Kalamazoo Colleges). Proceeds
benefit dynamic programming,
including engagement events,
award-winning Israel education and
advocacy training, award-winning

multicultural initiatives, Shabbat
dinners, social action and charitable
Shop for the sports fans, fash-
ionistas, concert lovers and foodies
on your list. Bid on John Legend
tickets, autographed sports collect-
ibles, premiere Red Wings, Lions
and Tigers tickets. For the person
who has everything, how about the
opportunity to throw out the first
pitch at a Tigers game?
To begin your Chanukah shop-
ping while supporting Jewish life on
campus, register at www.msuhillel.
org/auction. For more informa-
tion or to donate an item, contact
Jonathon Koenigsberg or Dana
Loewenstein at (517) 332-1916. ■

Kristallnacht Remembrance at HMC

On Nov. 9-10, 1938, the Nazis staged
violent pogroms — state-sanctioned,
anti-Jewish riots — against the Jewish
communities of Germany, Austria and
the Sudetenland. These events came
to be known as Kristallnacht (com-
monly translated as “Night of Broken
Glass”), a reference to the broken win-
dows of synagogues, Jewish-owned
stores, community centers, and homes

plundered and destroyed that night.
To commemorate the anniver-
sary, Dr. Eric Biles, a Holocaust
survivor from Austria, will share
his memories and experiences
beginning at 12:15 p.m. Nov. 9,
followed by a docent-led tour at
the Holocaust Memorial Center in
Farmington Hills. Free with muse-
um admission. ■

Meet Israeli Journalist

Gil Hoffman, chief political
correspondent and analyst
with The Jerusalem Post,
will serve as the keynote
speaker at “American and
Israeli Jews – A Growing
Divide?” hosted by Jewish
Community Relations
Council/AJC (JCRC/AJC).
Taking place at 7 p.m., Wednesday,
Nov. 14, at Temple Emanu-El (14450
W. 10 Mile Road, Oak Park), the
event is co-sponsored by The Well.
Recently, numerous media outlets,
community leaders and national
organizations, including AJC, have
reported a growing fracture between
American and Israeli Jews due to
geographical distance, approaches to
the peace process, religious identifi-
cation and other issues. During his
remarks, Hoffman will discuss this
potential gap and address the possi-
ble reasons for it.


November 8 • 2018


A question-and-an-
swer session will follow
Hoffman’s presentation. The
evening concludes with a
dessert reception — dietary
laws observed.
Well-connected to Israeli
and Palestinian leaders,
Hoffman has interviewed
every major figure across the Israeli
political spectrum. The Chicago
native has been interviewed by top
media on six continents and is a reg-
ular analyst on CNN, Al-Jazeera and
other news outlets. Called “the most
optimistic man in Israel” by Israel
Television, he provides a behind
the scenes look at the intrigue and
humor in the Israeli political arena.
The event is free, but advance regis-
tration is appreciated at growingdivide.
eventbrite.com. For more information,
contact Lauren Herrin at (248) 642-
2641 or herrin@jfmd.org. ■

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