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November 01, 2018 - Image 40

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The Detroit Jewish News, 2018-11-01

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Varicose veins can result in painful leg symptoms.
Allure Medical can heal your legs with a non-invasive
treatment with no downtime.

Leg pain is not the only symptom, others may include:





jews in the d

continued from page 38


Super Lawyers maga-
zine has recognized
Jaffe Raitt Heuer &
Weiss, P.C. attorneys
in practice areas as
Michigan Super
Lawyers. Among
them, David
Steinberg, franchise/


Bulging Veins



“Living with varicose veins can
be incredibly frustrating. The
good news for patients is that
most insurance companies will
cover the cost. And if you’ve met
your deductible, it’s wise to get
your treatment done before
it resets in the new year.”

Dr. Charles Mok,
Allure Medical Founder

WJR Radio has
named Bloomfield
Hills resident Lois
Shaevsky president
of the board of direc-
tors of Variety, the
Children’s Charity,
Lois Shaevsky
one of 12 “Women
Who Lead” for
2018. Nominated by WJR listeners,
Shaevsky was honored during a spe-
cial broadcast of WJR’s Paul W. Smith
Show in October.

Walsh College recently
honored business and
community leaders who
have demonstrated
exceptional service to
the college and its stu-
dents. Among them was
David Provost
David Provost, who
was presented with The
Jeffery W. Barry Award for Educational
Excellence & Community Service. He
is president and CEO of Chemical
Financial Corporation.

The Barbara Ann
Karmanos Cancer
Institute held its
annual Partner Event
in September. The
honoree was Dr. Jack
D. Sobel, dean and
Dr. Jack D.
distinguished professor,
Wayne State University
School of Medicine. He was recog-
nized for his outstanding career as a
medical leader, clinician and educator
and for his many contributions to the
field of medicine.

Jim Newman, owner and managing partner of Newman
Consulting Group LLC in Farmington Hills, was honored
with the Engineering Society of Detroit’s TechCentury
Image Award at ESD’s annual dinner in June. Trained as a
mechanical engineer, Newman is known as the “Dean of
Green” for educating people the world over since 2010 as an
author, featured presenter, ASHRAE Distinguished Lecturer,
keynote speaker and certified trainer for ASHRAE Energy Standard 90.1.

Young Adult Shabbat Experience


Call by November 8th and Allure will have your
treatment done before your deductible resets in January

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Beverly Hills/ Birmingham
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November 1 • 2018


Take a Jewish culinary journey
unlike any other 7 p.m. Friday, Nov.
30, as Flavors of Coexistence — with
support from OneTable, The Well
and NEXTGen Detroit — sponsor
Ta’im Detroit at Frame in Hazel
You’ll explore how immigration
from all around the world has
impacted Israeli cuisine through a
10-course meal (with wine pairings).
While food is the heart of this event,
this dinner is about celebrating cul-
ture, history, peoplehood and the

reality that Israeli cuisine is a col-
lective (and continuously evolving)
The meal is being sourced
with local ingredients and pre-
pared kosher style by Chef Aliza
Grayevsky, an eighth generation
Tickets for this ultimate young
adult Shabbat dinner experience
are $50 and are expected to sell out
quickly. Snag yours at tinyurl.com/
y9cfoqu7. ■

continued on page 42

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