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October 04, 2018 - Image 68

Resource type:
The Detroit Jewish News, 2018-10-04

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of blessed memory

continued from page 66

88, of West Bloomfield,
died after sunset on Sept.
25, 2018.
He is survived by his
wife of 64 years, Sandra
Schram; daughter
and son-in-law, Susan and Jonathan
Steinberg, son and daughter-in-law,
Dr. Alan and Amy Schram; grandchil-
dren, Erin and Michael Priebe, Jane
and Josh Haskell, Spencer Schram and
Connor Schram; great-grandchildren,
Max and Justin Priebe; brother-in-
law and sister-in-law, Dr. Charles and
Peggy Blotner.
Mr. Schram was the devoted son
of the late Abraham and the late
Ida Schram; dear brother of the late
Dorothy and the late Henry Brode, the
late Carl and the late Shirley Schram,
the late Mitchell and the late Belle
Schram, the late Betty and the late Jack
Kroker, the late Goldie and the late
Jack White, the late Eve and the late
Milton Herman, the late Mary and the
late Neil Rosenzweig.
Interment was at Clover Hill Park


October 4 • 2018


Cemetery. Arrangements by Ira
Kaufman Chapel. Contributions may
be made to a charity of one’s choice.

SOKOL, 82, of
Farmington Hills, died
Sept. 24, 2018.
She is survived by
her beloved husband,
Herbert Sokol; son and
daughter-in-law, Barry and Melissa
Sokol; daughters and sons-in-law,
Marla Sokol Twigg and Steve Twigg,
Bonnie and Spencer Solomon; grand-
children, Sydney, Dylan, Taylor,
Alexandria, Aunna, Hannah and
Brandon; brother and sister-in-law,
Sherwyn and Sandy Labovitz; niece
and nephew, Joey and Lily; many other
loving family members and friends.
Interment was held at Clover Hill
Park Cemetery in Birmingham.
Contributions may be made to the
Jewish Hospice and Chaplaincy
Network. Arrangements by Dorfman

93, of Farmington Hills,
died Sept. 27, 2018.
He is survived by his
beloved wife, Gladys
Sweet; son and daugh-
ter-in-law, Paul and
Laurie Sweet; daughters and sons-in-
law, Carol and Ken Holtzman, Linda
and Martin Schonberg; grandchil-
dren, Julie (Paul) Merryman, Marissa
(Nate) Heeren, Lori (Munk) Andres,
Michael (Ammie) Sweet, Jamie
(Conor) McCarthy, Emily Schonberg;
great-grandchildren, Noah, Olivia,
Emory, Nolan, Emilia, Milo, Delilah;
sister, Joanne; many loving nieces,
nephews, other family members and
Mr. Sweet was the brother of the late
Sylvia Stocker.
Interment was held at Machpelah
Cemetery in Ferndale. Contributions
can be made to the Alzheimer’s
Association. Arrangements by
Dorfman Chapel.


The processing fee for obituaries is:
$100 for up to 150 words; $200 for
151-300 words, etc. A photo counts
as 30 words. There is no charge for a
Holocaust survivor icon.
The JN reserves the right to edit
wording to conform to its style
considerations. For information, have
your funeral director call the JN or
you may call Sy Manello, editorial
assistant, at (248) 351-5147 or email
him at smanello@renmedia.us.

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